Hudak’s job-killing plan would cost London 7,000 jobs


OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas will hold a news conference as part of a province-wide tour.

Where: Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI): 600 Sanatorium Rd, London-Entrance gates at Laneway #3
When: 12 noon, Thursday, May 29, 2014

(London) – PC leader Tim Hudak’s plan to cut 100,000 public sector jobs in Ontario will hit the London area hard if Hudak gets a chance to go through with his plans.

“Given the large number of public sector employers in London, there is no question the city and region would suffer a tremendous loss under Hudak’s job-killing plan,” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

If Hudak is elected, London will lose 4,261 public sector jobs, which will cause a spin-off effect that will cut 2,855 private sector jobs.

“You don’t get the economy moving by throwing people out of work,” said Thomas. “Tim Hudak is a job-killer.

“The people of London may want to join me in putting this question to Conservative candidates Nancy Branscombe, Jeff Bennett, and Chris Robson: ‘Where will you cut those 7,000 jobs? How many from the hospital? Fanshawe College? Child and Youth Services? Community Living? Correctional Services? The school boards?’

“Hudak’s job-killing plan will cut deep and have lasting effects. When the jobs go, so will the services,” said Thomas.

OPSEU represents 14,056 workers in the London area.

For information:
Philip Shearer, OPSEU Executive Board Member 519.494.7301
Lyndsay Chapman, Communications 705.826.0015