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Highlights of the College Faculty Memorandum of Settlement: CAAT-A

CAAT-A Negotiations 2014 logo

Our new CAAT-A tentative agreement contains some improvements for all faculty, including professors, instructors, counsellors and librarians, both full-time and partial-load.

A lot of detail work went into refining language to improve job security, academic freedom and working conditions, as well as provide the foundation for ensuring quality education for students. We bargained hard through the summer, and this work paid off with significant gains in some areas.

Thanks to all members for your support throughout this round of bargaining. We couldn’t have done it without you.

The following is a summary of key points:

  • 37-month contract, expiry on September 30, 2017
  • No lay-offs for full-time faculty as a result of contracting out, for the length of the contract.
  • Salary increases for all faculty (full-time and partial-load) as follows:
    • Year 1: 1.2% (September 1, 2014)
    • Year 2: 1.5% (September 1, 2015)
    • Year 3: 1.8% (September 1, 2016)
  • Full-time employees who have been frozen at their maximum step on the salary grid on or before September 1, 2013 shall receive a one-time $900 lump sum payment which is pensionable
  • Improved eligibility period for priority in hiring for Partial-Load members
  • Increased period for Partial-Load to apply for full-time positions as internal candidate
  • Comprehensive out-of-country travel insurance
  • Reduced probationary period for new faculty hired after ratification of contract
  • Improvements in tools for Locals to represent members more effectively, including a streamlined grievance process
  • Inclusion of method of delivery, changes to length of course, type of program, and availability of technical support as variables to be considered for resolving workload disputes
  • Commitment to formal discussion about Intellectual Property (through EERC)
  • Short term disability (sick leave) remains intact
  • Flexibility in scheduling beyond the eight-hour day limit, with the member’s consent

The employer’s demands contained significant concessions on our workload limits and the non-teaching periods, overtime, increases to their ability to use part-time/sessionals instead of full-time/partial-load, and many restrictions on the Union’s ability to work effectively, both in Locals and in bargaining. We were able to hold the line in most areas. In order to reach a settlement that includes the improvements above, the agreement needed to include a removal of the cap on the number of repeated sections (no change to the cap of four preparations) and a moratorium on new grievances on Articles 2.02 and 2.03 A for the length of the contract.

Your bargaining team recommends ratification.