Corrections press conference addresses Ombudsman's Report
Prior to the press conference, corrections leaders from across Ontario met to discuss the report first-hand, and voice their concerns about aspects of André Marin's findings and recommendations.
Reporters had an opportunity to address Corrections MERC Chair Dan Sidsworth about the Report, and the union's response.
"Correctional Officers agree that even one case of excessive use of force is one too many," Sidsworth told the media. "We also acknowledge that the Ombudsman has identified that a 'Code of Silence' was a factor in some cases where excessive force was used. That said, we do not believe that these factors can be addressed in isolation of all the problems facing correctional facilities in Ontario."
Sidsworth said there are systemic issues affecting the correctional system in Ontario today. "We are experiencing chronic understaffing, inmate overcrowding, poor inmate living conditions, the lack of necessary staff training, and modern equipment to keep the community, inmates, and staff safe."