Convention 2024 preparations are starting now!

Convention members standing with "Real Wage Increases" signs

Convention is a few short months from now: April 25-27, 2024. It’s time for locals to start preparing now, so we can build an exciting Convention for hundreds of delegates across the province!

Click here for a Local Presidents’ Planning Checklist to help you meet all the timelines leading up to Convention. Some of the deadlines this fall include:

  • Scheduling a GMM for this fall or early in the new year to elect delegates and alternates
  • Signing up all new members or unsigned members in your local by December 31, 2023 to maximize your delegate entitlement
  • Ensuring your local’s Trustee Audit Reports are up-to-date as of December 31, 2023 in order to obtain time-off letters for alternates and observers

We hope this checklist will be a helpful resource as we prepare together for Convention 2024!

In solidarity,

The OPSEU/SEFPO Convention team