CBS: To the Point Newsletter October 2013


It has been a few years since the Sector released a newsletter and we are happy to say we are back and ready to keep you informed.

The Broader Public Service (BPS) Conference was held in June 2013 and a new Sector 19 Executive was elected from the delegates. They are:

Chair: Sean Allen (Local 477)

Vice Chair: Katherine Zan-Payne (Local 160)

Secretary: Cathie Bergman-Richards (Local 160)

Treasurer: Cindy Kissick (Local 5103)

Member at Large: David LeDrew (Local 545)

Alternate:  Dierdre Payne (Local 716)

Trustees: Manon Morin, Local 545 and Jennifer Johnson (Local 5103)

By-laws update

The 2009 CBS and Diagnostic Division By-Laws are in effect. The 2013 By-Laws were voted on and carried. This means the Sector is waiting for approval from OPSEU Head Office. As soon as they are approved, they will be released to the Local President/Highest ranking officer.

The Sector met in October 2013 with a packed full agenda. Minutes from this meeting will be released soon to the Local President/Highest Ranking officer. We are currently working to ensure we have updated lists for the membership and local executive members. Please keep your information updated with OPSEU, including the elected positions you hold in your Local. That way we can communicate with you effectively. This can be done by calling the OPSEU Resource Centre at 1-800-268-7376.

PHO and OPSEU interest arbitration award summary

Gerry Lee released his Arbitration Award for OPSEU and OAHPP on October 4th, 2013. Each of our three employee groupings in our bargaining units received some sort of increase without the Union having to take any concessions.

For more information about this award please visit  

CBS Support Bargaining update

The CBS Support Staff bargaining team is currently finalizing its proposals and awaiting confirmation of dates from the employer team. Further information will be provided as soon as it becomes available.

Who is in our Sector?

Local 206: LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services (in conciliation for new collective agreement)

Local 273: Ontario Network of Experts in Fertility (One Fertility Clinic) (C.A. expires April 30, 2016)

Local 445: Ottawa Fertility Centre Inc. (C.A. expires June 30, 2015)

Local 544: Cybermedix Health Services Ltd (C.A. expires December 31, 2015)

Local 659: Sudbury Vascular Laboratory Limited (C.A. expires March 31, 2016)

Local 668: My Health Centre (C.A. expires February 28, 2014)

Locals 113, 314, 412, 522, 545, 649, 716: Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (OAHPP) (C.A. expires March 31, 2011) (Operating as Public Health-PHO)

Local 619: Canadian Blood Services (NCC)

Locals 5101 & 210: Canadian Blood Services Technologists (C.A. expiries March 31,2014)

Locals 160, 200, 210, 477, 5103: Canadian Blood Services Support (C.A. expires March 31, 2013)

What are the roles of Sector 19?

Our aims and purposes are found in the Sector (Division) By-laws under Article 4. They are:

a)     To promote justice, equality and efficiency in services to the public

b)     To develop recommendations and strategies to guide member locals in collective bargaining

c)     To co-ordinate Union activities within the Division in such matters as political action, social concerns, public relations, professional issues and education

d)     To bring together Division members to discuss matters in common interest

e)     To advance the aims, purposes and goals of the Division within the Union

f)      To promote and support aims, purposes and goals of the Union, as a Division and with other Union groups

g)     To participate with other Division members in the Health Care Divisional Council and its activities

How to contact us:

On the left hand side of the OPSEU website you will see a heading “where you work”

Scroll down, and you will see “Health Care”…click on Health Care

Scroll down and you will see “CBS & Diagnostic Division“`…click on CBS & Diagnostic Division

You will now see our information and can see the contact list for the Sector Executive.  You can also see different Sector newsletters such as “Labline”, “Bloodletters“ and “To the Point”.

You can now navigate and see information regarding previous bargaining newsletters, pay equity and other information. The information is at your disposal.

If you have any suggestions regarding the contents of the Sector website, please let the Executive know. We are always looking for suggestions and improvements.

We need your help!

We are asking for your help in creating a logo for our Sector. Please send us an email or hard copy of your ideas. Keep in mind the Locals we listed in this newsletter, members and the jobs they do so the logo encompasses the Sector as a whole. We would like to have the logo for our newsletter and create a pin to have available for you at the 2014 OPSEU Convention. There will be a prize for the winning logo. We know we have creative members and we would love to see your work!

Sector dues

Sector dues are to be paid January 1, 2014 and every year thereafter. Our Treasurer, Cindy Kissick, will be sending out letters to the Local President/Highest Ranking Officer with instructions regarding who they are payable to. If your Local is in arrears please contact Cindy for further information.

Cindy can be reached at [email protected]

Next Sector Meeting

Our next Sector meeting will be held in December as a video conference. If you have any items you would like to add to the agenda please contact the Executive..

Thanks for reading our newsletter and keep following the OPSEU website to keep informed!

In solidarity,

Your Sector 19 Divisional Executive

This newsletter has been approved for distribution by

Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President


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