Carleton University Campus Safety Workers file for conciliation


Department of Safety Workers at Carleton University have filed for conciliation after attempts to negotiate a first contract slowed to a snail’s pace.

“We have had 10 full days of bargaining, with almost nothing to show for it. Negotiations could last all year if a conciliation officer doesn’t help move things along,” said Negotiator, Nelson Ross Laguna.

“We are looking for a fair contract, and there are some very real issues to address. Tying up important negotiation time with endless debate of each detail will not get us to a collective agreement,” said Brent Gobeo, Bargaining Team Chair and Local 404 Vice President

Carleton University keeps on growing, investing in new buildings, and requiring more and more safety services.

“Workers are constantly being asked to do more with less, and staffing levels are not keeping pace,” said Devon Reeves, President of OPSEU Local 404 at Carleton University. “This collective agreement will be an important tool to ensure the university campus meets the safety needs of students.”

Carleton University Safety Workers include special constables, dispatchers, campus safety officers and student safety patrollers. The 50 workers joined OPSEU in May, 2013.