OPSEU Coalition of Racialized Workers

Call to racialized members for “Deconstructing Racism: Developmental Training”

OPSEU Coalition of Racialized Workers logo - SEFPO Coalition des travailleurs racialises logo

OPSEU’s Coalition of Racialized Workers (CoRW) invites OPSEU members who identify as racialized to apply for a “Deconstructing Racism: Developmental Training” for members.  The training will be held at the OPSEU Head Office, 100 Lesmill Road, from October 4-6, 2019.  Five (5) racialized members will be selected to join the nine (9) members of the Provincial CoRW for the training. The training has been identified as necessary as the Provincial and Regional Coalitions are called upon to support  racialized OPSEU members. 

The Deconstructing Racism Development Training is a two-day professional development opportunity designed to develop critical thinking and self-reflection for racialized OPSEU members.  The training session is designed to assist individuals to work towards achieving a deeper understanding of racism and anti-black racism at the individual, societal and institutional levels. Participants will gain awareness and insights, as well as heighten their skills and capacities to address marginalization and oppression with an emphasis on the effects of anti-racism/anti-black racism.  The training will be facilitated by Jean Samuel, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant.

Expenses for meals, mileage, childcare, transportation and hotel (60 km rule is in effect) will be reimbursed as per OPSEU policy.

Application process

Interested applicants must submit an application that includes responses to the following questions:

  1. How do you identify as a racialized person?
  2. The Coalition of racialized members is seeking to build local capacity so that members can act as a resource to members with race-based complaints, concerns and disputes.  Would you want to be a member of a team that helps support this work of the union? Can you detail why?
  3. What are the arguments for and against reverse racism? Where do you stand?
  4. Why is it important to train racialized members in matters of race, racism and discrimination?
  5. Please define racism.  How does this definition enable you to explain systemic racism?

Selection process

The Equity Unit will ensure an anonymous selection process.

The CoRW will select the training participants based on the following considerations:

  • previous activist experience and a keen analysis of race and racism;
  • openness to share knowledge with other OPSEU members; and
  • willingness to serve on a support team as a resource for other racialized OPSEU members.

A decision will be made by September 16, 2019 and all applicants will be notified accordingly.

Please forward completed application to the Equity Unit (e-mail to equity@opseu.org or fax to 416-448-7419) no later than 4:00 p.m. on August 30, 2019.

If you have any difficulty reading the application, please contact equity@opseu.org.

PDF icon Application for October anti-racism training.pdf

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