The Sector 3 Boards of Education and Cultural Institutions executive met in Toronto on February 12-13, in the middle of a deep-freeze warning. The third divisional meeting of the executive proved to be productive, working toward the goals set out by you, the members.
The executive would like to thank Paula Tavares, outgoing sector Chair, for her dedication and advocacy as an active executive member over the past two years. We wish her all the best.
Kelly Martin, who was elected Vice Chair at the Broader Public Service Conference (BPS) in June, has accepted the position of Sector 3 Chair. As per the Sector 3 Boards of Education and Cultural Institutions bylaws, elected 1st Alternate Bonnie Eddy from Local 330 moves into the position of Member at Large. Welcome, Bonnie!
Campaign update
Over the past month we have been working diligently, in collaboration with our Campaigns Officer and Negotiator, on a campaign about workplace violence in our schools and worksites.
The first goal of the campaign is to identify the challenges and concerns that Sector 3 members are facing in relation to workplace violence, and to stand up against violence in Ontario’s schools alongside our allies in other education unions and federations across the province.
You can help make the campaign a success by completing an electronic survey related to violence in the workplace. In the coming weeks, all Sector 3 Education Workers will receive a link to the survey.
We encourage everybody to complete the survey – its results will provide the campaign with accurate baseline data with which we’ll formulate key messages to ensure the voices of front-line workers in Ontario schools are heard.
Everybody who completes the survey will receive a free Education Workers Standing Together to End Workplace Violence t-shirt. The order form appears at the end of the survey.
So please watch your email inbox and OPSEU’s website (www, for more information about the launch of our new Sector 3 campaign website, and an Education Workers Lobby Day at Queen’s Park this spring.
Convention 2018 meet-and-greet information caucus
OPSEU’s annual Convention will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on April 19-21. During the Convention, members of Sector 3 Boards of Education and Cultural Institutions are invited to a social and information caucus meeting on the Thursday, April 19.
An invitation will be sent to local presidents via email prior to Convention. Caucus information will also be available on the Convention app.
We are looking forward to meeting you and having the opportunity to discuss upcoming plans for the term, and to provide answers to any questions about our vision for the future.
Light Refreshments will be served
Local Updates
Moving forward with the goals set out by the Sector, this term we are striving to provide you accurate and relevant information regarding sector meetings and local updates on a quarterly basis. We are looking forward to including updates from all locals in our newsletter.
Some suggested topics could be: recent concerns and successes in your locals, health and safety, events that you have participated in, or upcoming local activities.
We are asking local presidents or designates to submit brief local updates by April 30 to Kelly at
We are also requesting contact information for your local worker members of the joint health and safety committee(s) and health and safety representatives. Please provide their contact information to Kelly at
Sector Dues
Thank you to the Locals that have submitted their Sector 3 dues payment.
At the June 2018 BPS Conference, your local elected delegates passed a dues increase that commenced on January 2018. Dues for Sector 3, Boards of Education and Cultural Institutions, increased to 60 cents per dues-paying member and non-paying member per calendar year.
Your dues help us cover the costs of promoting the sector and the important work we do in our teaching and learning environments. In the past, the dues have been used to purchase promotional materials such as pens, flags, notepads, and refreshments for members.
An invoice/reminder was sent out in January from Sector 3 Treasurer, Sandra Cadeau. Please contact Sandra at if your local has not received an invoice for your Sector dues for this calendar year.
Charter Challenge Remedy Update
Problems with the monetary payments that resulted from the successful charter challenge ruling that Bill 115 violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by violating our right to bargain collectively are continuing to be rectified.
OPSEU, the Ministry of Education, and individual school boards are continuing to resolve disputes related to member eligibility and finalize payments to members.
For more information on Bill 115, visit:
Published Friday, January 12, 2018 – 10:15am
The Ontario Council of Education Workers (OCEW) continues discussions with the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP) on finalizing a benefit plan for its members.
The OCEW has agreed to join the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) Benefit Trust with a finalized OCEW plan pending approval of a participation agreement between the parties.
This transition will likely occur in the spring of 2018.
More details to follow.
As your new Sector 3 Chair, I’m looking forward to collaborating and working with the locals represented by the sector. I’m excited to work with the new executive to achieve the goals that were identified by your local delegates at the past BPS Conference.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any member of the sector executive or Kelly Martin, Chair at or 705-739-7232.