Ontario Council of Educational Workers (OCEW) Bill 124 Update

Ontario Council of Educational Workers (OCEW)

After several months, we are pleased to share that OCEW have reached an agreement with the Crown and CTA regarding remedy for Bill 124.

Retroactive compensation increases will be: 0.75% for 2019-20, 0.75% for 2020-21, and 2.75% for 2021-22. In addition to retroactive payments, wage rates in 2022-2026 collective agreements be increased and all wages increases will be pensionable. Premiums and allowances will also be adjusted. These increases are in addition to the 1% that workers already received in the 2019-2022 collective agreement.

What is included in the retroactive lump sum payment? The fixed compensation increases will be compounded and included in the salary grids, wage schedules, applicable premiums, applicable allowances in effect on August 31, 2019, August 31, 2020, and August 31, 2021.

What “premiums and allowances” will be included? Any premium or allowance that was increased by the 1% per year in the 2019 to 2022 MOS. These are likely to be individual to each bargaining unit in the OCEW. So for example, if there was a “boot allowance” or a “shift premium” that went up 1% per year between 2019 to 2022, then that allowance or premium would be increased by the retroactive amounts.

Who will calculate the retroactive amounts owed? The applicable school boards will calculate the retroactive amounts owed to each eligible employee as a result of the changes.

Who will receive this lump sum payment? This will apply only to those persons employed in each of the years covered by the scope of the Moderated Collective Agreements and will be pro-rated as applicable having regard to the actual period of employment and FTE status.

Are we getting a lump sum payment and a wage increase, or just a lump sum payment? In addition to retroactive payments, wage rates in 2022-2026 collective agreements will be increased.

Will these increases impact my Pension? Where a compensatory amount under a Moderated Collective Agreement is already pensionable, these fixed compensation Increases will also be pensionable.

When will I receive my retroactive payment? School boards shall provide payments to eligible employees no later than October 15, 2024.

In solidarity,

Ontario Council of Educational Workers

The Ontario Council of Educational Workers is a partnership of unions committed to achieving a strong central collective agreement for its constituent members who do critical work in Ontario’s education sector.

Ontario Public Service Employees Union; COPE Ontario and its Locals 103, 429, 454, 527 and 529; Unifor Canada and its Locals 229, 302 and 2458; Essex & Kent Counties Skilled Trades Council; Labourers International Union of North America, Local 837; Maintenance and Construction Skilled Trades Council