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Apply to join the OPSEU/SEFPO Disability Rights Caucus!

OPSEU Disability Rights Caucus, Caucus des personnes handicapees du SEFPO

The Disability Rights Caucus (DRC) is looking to fill one vacancy.  Applications are being accepted from all of OPSEU/SEFPO’s regions except from Region 4.

OPSEU/SEFPO supports employment equity.  Members from the following designated groups are encouraged to submit an application:  women, people with disabilities, racialized workers, Indigenous workers, LGBTQ2S+ workers, Francophones, and young workers.

For the purposes of statistical data collection, applicants are strongly encouraged to voluntarily self-identify.

Preference will be given to persons with a disability.

Applications are being accepted until 4pm on June 18, 2021.

Disability Rights Caucus Member Application

Disability Rights Caucus Member Application – French