Apply now for Region 7 Educational, Nov 9-10, 2024


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Event details


  • Courses take place at the Valhalla Hotel and Conference Centre
  • 1 Valhalla Inn Road, Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 6J1
  • Telephone: 1-844-765-1422 Ext. 5723
  • Email: [email protected]


  • Saturday, Nov 9, 2024 – 9 am to 5 pm
  • Sunday, Nov 10, 2024 – 9 am to 1 pm

Application deadline:

On-site child care:

Off-site child care:

  • Family Care/Attendant expenses will be reimbursed per OPSEU/SEFPO Policy.

Course descriptions

Challenging Discrimination in Everyday Union Work

This course looks at everyday situations in our workplaces and union where inequality and racism are at work, and where people can take effective action. It uses case scenarios and analysis to examine different forms of discrimination – race, gender, age and disability – and its divisive effects. It draws from videos and role play to get people to practice responding practically to situations.

The course helps us to see equity and human rights as basic union work for all. And it strengthens our skills as effective allies and advocates to build more inclusive workplaces and locals.

Cross-Cultural Communication at Work: A Union Perspective

In our workplaces, unions, and communities, we experience daily interactions with diverse groups including co-workers, and our union sisters and brothers. There are moments when these interactions lead to miscommunication, and misunderstanding about cultural expressions and social cues. In order to work through some of these communication challenges, an introductory course, Cross-Cultural Communication has been designed.

Participants will work through case scenarios to develop strategies designed to improve cross-cultural communication.

Interpreting Your Collective Agreement: An Activist’s Role

Do you know what your collective agreement is? Do you have a copy of it? Have you ever wondered what is in your collective agreement and how to find information on different articles? Do you know how the collective agreement is structured? Are you confused by some of the terms used in it?

Participants will be assisted in understanding the power of their collective agreement and how to interpret and enforce their collective agreement. Using interpretation guidelines developed through case law, participants will build the skills and confidence needed to understand and use their collective agreements.

Activities will give participants an opportunity to review legislation, examine the importance of timelines, discuss case scenarios and debate some common clauses and what they mean. Participants should bring their Collective Agreements to the course.

Stewards 2: Facing the Employer, Building Member Involvement

Prerequisite: Stewards 1

This follow-up to Stewards 1 focuses on investigating and writing a grievance, facing management, and involving members in worksite action. Participants will use their own collective agreements to identify grievances. They will become immersed in a case study in order to interview a grievor, write up a grievance, face the employer at a step 1 and make a presentation on safety issues to the union side of the Joint Health and Safety Committee. They will examine the elements of effective mobilization and develop a campaign strategy for a local. Participants should bring their collective agreements.

Local Treasurers Course

This course is aimed at Local Treasurers and Trustees who are either NEW to the role or experienced members who are seeking a “refresher course”. The goal is to give the necessary tools and education to Local Treasurers and Trustees in order for them to fulfill their roles in the Local. It will also draw on members’ experiences to solve problems occurring with the administration of Local funds.

Important information


Completed application forms must include the signed recommendation or an approval email from a Local Executive Officer and be received by the Thunder Bay Regional Office no later than September 6, 2024. Please note applications will not be accepted after this date.

Selection process – Education Policy Section 7 (Policy Manual)

The selection process will be in accordance with the Education Policy – Section 7 of the Policy Manual. All Local Presidents have an OPSEU/SEFPO Policy Manual. Please contact your Local President to review this policy. Applicants will be notified after September 11, 2024 of their acceptance for the educational.


Notification by a member to cancel course attendance should be received by both the local president and the regional office no later than 48 hours before commencement of the regional school (no later than 4:30 P.M. on the Wednesday prior to the weekend school). When a member does not attend and the Regional office has not been notified 48 hours prior to the school’s commencement, the member will be assessed a $50.00 penalty. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration.

Family/Attendant Care

Family/Attendant Care will be reimbursed as per OPSEU/SEFPO policy as outlined on the back of the expense claim. If you have any questions, please check the OPSEU/SEFPO Policy Manual.

Members seeking childcare onsite must make their request through the Thunder Bay Regional Office by September 6, 2024.

Lost wages / time off

Per past practice, lost wages will be paid for those members who are shift workers and are scheduled to work on Friday, November 8 and/or Saturday, November 9 and/or Sunday, November 10. Any claim for lost wages must be substantiated by proof from your employer.

Travel time

Lost wage claims will also be accepted for those members who are not shift workers and who have to take time off to travel to the educational. Claims will only be honoured for the time that is required to travel.

Hotel and meals

Accommodation will be provided for those members who must travel 60 kilometres or more. Reservations may be made by contacting the Valhalla at (807) 577-1121 Please tell them you are booking with OPSEU or block # 1255589.

Members who bring children to the Educational will be entitled to single accommodation. The meal allowance for children under 13 years of age should be 50% of OPSEU/SEFPO’s standard meal allowance. If you require special assistance at the hotel, please notify the hotel at the time of making your reservations.

Lunch will be provided on Saturday. If you have any food allergies or special dietary requirements please ensure a Human Rights Accommodation Request Form is submitted.
