Toronto – The Ford government needs to stop the spin and focus on investing in people and the public services that make Ontario strong, said OPSEU/SEFPO President JP Hornick in response to today’s Throne Speech.
“An old budget isn’t going to solve the crises that Ontarians face every day,” said Hornick. “Mr. Ford is more focused on things like roads and buildings than people. If there’s anything the pandemic has proven, it’s that people must come first.”
“Conditions are worsening across the province. A budget left unchanged since Spring 2022 is a budget that doesn’t meet the current needs of Ontarians,” noted Hornick.
As an example, Hornick pointed out that Ontario’s emergency rooms and intensive care units are closing and inflation is at a 39-year record high, yet the Ford government is ignoring the experiences of everyday Ontarians. In fact, Ontario still spends less per person on health care than anywhere else in Canada, according to the Financial Accountability Office.
OPSEU/SEFPO First Vice-President/Treasurer Laurie Nancekivell said that what the Ford government failed to say today speaks volumes.
“This government won’t even name a crisis for what it is,” said Nancekivell. “They didn’t talk for a second about the public services that all Ontarians need – the services that we depend on during a pandemic; the services that improve our daily lives.”
The union leaders say there are solutions – like spending appropriately on health care, education, public services and the staffing levels to support all Ontarians. This is what builds a stronger province. Ontario is not things, it’s people – and that’s what the priority should be.
For more information: JP Hornick, OPSEU/SEFPO President, 416-806-9526
[email protected]