A message from President Warren (Smokey) Thomas on Saturday’s regional elections

OPSEU President Warren Smokey Thomas speaking behind podium

I would like to thank the members of Region 4 for their confidence in me and allowing me to serve another term on the Executive Board.  It is a great honour.

We are sailing in rough seas and I want to be able to finish the job of helping to guide our great union to safe harbour.  There is no doubt we will be successful if we stand together.

I want to congratulate everyone who was elected to the Executive Board and to our committees.  I look forward to working with you.

Thank you to everyone who put their name forward, your enthusiasm is another example of how vibrant OPSEU is.

I would also like to thank OPSEU staff who worked tirelessly to organize and run the elections.

In Solidarity,         
Warren (Smokey) Thomas