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5 ways to support your LGBTQ2S+ colleagues

OPSEU Rainbow alliance logo

A message from OPSEU’s Rainbow Alliance arc-en-ciel

1. Defend us

The fight for our rights is far from over. Make a point to let others know that you stand with us on important LGBTQ2S+ issues.

2. Believe us

When we speak up about harassment or discrimination, take it seriously not personally.

3. Think of us

A more gender-neutral work environment (unisex washrooms, gender-neutral language) means everyone feels included.

4. Listen to us

We know best what’s working for us and what needs to be adjusted.

5. Celebrate us

Pride parades, awareness days, calls to action against homophobia and transphobia: there are many opportunities for everyone to come together and show support for our community.

Together, we all can make our workplaces more welcoming for everyone.

From your friendly union family at OPSEU Rainbow Alliance arc-en-ciel.

For more resources, visit Pride at Work Canada