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March of Dimes October 2013 Bargaining Bulletins 1, 2 and 3

March of Dimes October 2013 Bargaining Bulletins 1, 2 and 3


Issue 1

Wealthy Charity wants concessions from its workers

On Oct. 4, your bargaining team will meet with management at the March of Dimes to try to reach a settlement for your new collective agreement.

The Ontario March of Dimes claims it has no money but a quick review of this non-profit charity tells a different story:

Salaries for seven of the executive board members in 2012 amounted to $1,017,671;

Last year CEO Andrea Spindel received a wage increase of $35,817 which represented a 13 per cent wage increase over the previous year;

The Ontario March of Dimes enjoys assets in excess of $20 million;

The Ontario March of Dimes Nonprofit Housing Corporation has assets of more than $10 million.

The head office building of the Ontario March of Dimes on Overlea Blvd. in Toronto is valued at more than $3 million;

The Ontario March of Dimes, March of Dimes of Canada, and March of Dimes Non-Profit Housing Corporation have additional subsidiaries. We are not able to determine at this time the exact revenue amounts they received from these subsidiaries.

To date, the employer refuses to offer you anything. In fact, they want to take away benefits and change the intent of the provisions in the existing contract. Here is a list of some of the concessions they have demanded:

A six-year contract with no wage increase for the first three years and one per cent in each of the following three years;

Delete your dependent’s drug and dental benefits coverage if you are a part-time employee;

Remove your option for three per cent in-lieu of benefits for part-time employees;

Limit your access to physiotherapy;

Remove the set mileage allowance from the collective agreement;

Delete your one-day compassionate leave;

Delete your one-day family leave;

Reduce your vacation time; the employer instead wants vacations based on forecasted annual working hours.

The negotiation progress over the last year has been slower than anticipated. We will continue to try to negotiate a fair contract. We are determined to protect the existing benefits and language provisions but we need your help to achieve this.

For your bargaining team,

Thank you,

Jolene Schotsman and Carolyn Lafee

What can you do to support the team?

The key to bargaining a good collective agreement is act as a team with your co-workers. When your bargaining team is at the table they need to know everyone is united and will support the decisions they make during the negotiations.

How do I stay informed?

Please ask to join the Facebook page ModSquad 262. Find us at www.facebook.com/groups/modsquadL262. If you are not on Facebook we will make certain you receive all important information as it happens.

Have you filled out your OPSEU Members Personal Information Form?

In the event of a lockout or strike you are entitled to strike pay but you must first complete the form.

Need more information?

Please speak directly to, or call, Jolene Schotsman at 905-802-4961; or Carolyn Lafee at 905-407-3884.

Issue 2

The Ontario March of Dimes appears to have no interest to participate in any meaningful negotiations for our new collective agreement. Download.pdf

Issue 3

Your Q and A guide in the event of a lockout. Download .pdf