- CAAT-A Divisional Executive (DivEx)
- DivEx Members 2018 – 2020
- DivEx Alternates 2018 – 2020
- Employer Employee Relations Committee (EERC)
- Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)
- Collective Bargaining Information Services (CBIS)
- Health and Safety Co-ordinating Committee
- H&S Members 2016 – 2020
- In-Service Teacher Training Task Force
- Joint Education Qualifications Committee (JEQS)
- Joint Grievance Scheduling Committee (JGSC)
- Joint Insurance Committee (JIC)
- Pension Sponsor
- Pension Sponsor Members 2019 – 2021 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2021)
- Pension Sponsor Alternate (January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021)
- Pension Trustees 2019-2021
- Pension Trustees Alternates 2019-2021
- Sick Leave Buyout
- Sick Leave Buyout Members 2018 – 2022
- OPSEU Staff:
- Sick Leave Buyout Alternates 2016 – 2020
- Local Legal Coordinator 2018-2022
- Local Legal Coordinator (francophone) 2018-2022
CAAT-A Divisional Executive (DivEx)
The Divisional Executive is the governing body for Academic employees of OPSEU. The Divisional Executive meeting is made up of delegates from each of the Community Colleges using the formula found in the OPSEU Constitution.
Its responsibilities are to:
- promote quality public education
- monitor and enforce the Collective Agreement
- identify and act on issues pertaining to post-secondary education
- lobby organizations and governments on issues pertaining to post-secondary education
- develop and recommend policy to the OPSEU Executive Board
- liaise with student, education and labour organizations
- run demand setting meetings
- oversee the committees of the Division
The purpose of the Executive is to conduct the business of the Division between Divisional meetings. It shall take the necessary actions and decisions to ensure that the Division, its committees and the locals operate within the constitution, bylaws and decisions of the Division and OPSEU. The Executive consists of five persons elected by the Division. The chair and vice-chair are elected by the division.
The responsibilities of the Divisional Executive are as follows:
- provide support and leadership to locals within the Division
- consult with the locals to give and to seek advice and direction
- communicate regularly with locals
- facilitate communications between locals
- organize in conjunction with OPSEU administration and Staff the Pre-Bargaining Conference
- coordinate local demand setting and final demand setting
- act as the OPSEU representatives to the Employer Employee Relations Committee (EERC)
- implement the decisions of the Division
- review draft local agreements and provide recommendations to the OPSEU President in a timely manner
- appoint ad hoc committees for specific purposes
- maintain and distribute the contact lists for Workload Monitoring Group co-chair and designated Health and Safety co-chairs
- distribute approved minutes of meetings from the Divisional Executive, EERC and Divisional Meetings
- select the retiree representative and retiree alternate to the CAAT Pension Plan Board of Trustees
DivEx Members 2018 – 2020
RM Kennedy, Chair, Centennial, Local 558
E: rmatopseu@gmail.com
Martin Devitt, Vice-Chair, Niagara, Local 242
H: 905.937.8863
W: 905.735.2211 x4019
C: 289.969.6565
E: mdevitt1@gmail.com
JP Hornick, George Brown, Local 556
W: 416.415.5000 x3531
C: 416.806.9526
E: jphornick@gmail.com
Heather Giardine-Tuck, Mohawk, Local 240
H: 905.681.7402
W: 905.575.1212 x4065
C: 905.512.5042
E: heathergiardinetuck@hotmail.com
Pearline Lung, Humber, Local 562
E: pearlinedivex@gmail.com
Anastasios Zafiriadis, Senior Negotiator
Pat Honsberger, Supervisor
Manzur Malik, Research Officer
Megan Park, Senior Campaigns Officer
Emily Visser, Communications Officer
DivEx Alternates 2018 – 2020
1st Alternate – Tracy Henderson, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.822.1263
W: 613.727.4723 x7006
C: 613.297.24.94
E: tracyhenderson@sympatico.ca
2nd Alternate – Anna Maria Ainsworth, Local 560
H: 905.597.6759
W: 416.491.5050 X33129
C: 647.832.7002
E: anna.ainsworth11@gmail.com
3rd Alternate – Gaspare Bonomo, Mohawk, Local 240
H: 905.628.6650
W: 905.575.1212. x3193
C: 905.971.3842
E: bonomojvo@gmail.com
Employer Employee Relations Committee (EERC)
The Employer Employee Relations Committee (EERC) is made up of the five members of the Divisional Executive and management members appointed by council from either the council or the colleges. Terms of reference are detailed in Article 903 of the collective agreement.
The duties of the EERC are as follows:
to facilitate communications between management and union at the provincial level
to preclude and resolve common problems during the life of the agreement
to permit both parties to enter negotiations with much of the groundwork completed
Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)
CAUT Members 2016 – 2020
OPSEU elects two delegates to represent and promote the colleges at CAUT and to actively participate in CAUT activities.
Martin Devitt, Niagara, Local 242
H: 905.937.8863
W: 905.735.2211 x4019
C: 289.969.6565
E: mdevitt1@gmail.com
Kevin MacKay, Mohawk, Local 240
H: 905.481.4543
W: 905.575.1212 x3364
C: 905.481.4843
E: kevin@skydragon.org
CAUT Alternates 2016 – 2020
1st Alternate – RM Kennedy, Chair, Centennial, Local 558
E: rmatopseu@gmail.com
2nd Alternate – JP Hornick, George Brown, Local 556
W:416.415.5000 x3531
C: 416.806.9526
E: jphornick@gmail.com
Collective Bargaining Information Services (CBIS)
This is an advisory committee made up of the union (OPSEU) and management (the Council) to assist in the gathering and analyzing of data for collective bargaining purposes.
CBIS Members 2018 – 2022
David Haley, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.837.5180
W: 613.727.4723 x5932
E: dhhaley.opseu415@gmail.com
CBIS Members 2016 – 2020
Darryl Bedford, Fanshawe, Local 110
H: 519.673.6625
W: 519.452.4291
C: 519.636.2537
E: dbedford@step27.com
CBIS Alternates 2016 – 2020
1st Alternate – Liz Seabrook, Lambton, Local 125
H: 519.542.6771
W: 519.542.7751 x3525
C: 519.384.9304
E: liz.seabrook@cogeco.ca
2nd Alternate – Suzanne Hooke, Fleming, Local 352
H: 705.742.0510
W: 705.749.5530 x1423
E: suzannehooke5@gmail.com
Health and Safety Co-ordinating Committee
This is a provincial committee that addresses health and safety across the province by coordinating the work of Local Health & Safety committees through a discussion forum.
H&S Members 2016 – 2020
John Conley, Fanshawe, Local 110
H: 519.319.3742
W: 519.452.4430 x4218
E: jconley@opseu110.ca
H&S Members 2016 – 2020
Preiti Momaya, Centennial, Local 558
H: 647.660.5443
C: 647.882.6688
E: preiti169@gmail.com
H&S Alternates 2016 – 2020
1st Alternate – Grant Currie, St. Lawrence, Local 417
H: 613.893.2505
W: 613.544.5400 x6760
E: dgrantcurrie@hotmail.ca
2nd Alternate – Mark Feltham, Fanshawe, Local 110
H: 519.282.5348
W: 519.452.4205.
E: cheifsteward@opseu110.ca
In-Service Teacher Training Task Force
This group oversees the In-Service Teacher Training certificate programme.
This is a self-directed course of study for new and experienced teachers without formal training in the education field. The program is overseen by a taskforce which determines the objectives, delivery and length of the program.
Employees who have 15 years or more of service and whose maximum step is currently below the maximum on the salary schedule may enroll and receive – once only – an immediate one step salary progression.
Employees who successfully complete the program shall be entitled to progress to the maximum on the salary scale. For details, visit the host college website http://www.stclaircollege.ca/programs/inservice/.
Task Force Members 2016 – 2019 (program ends)
Barbara Graham, St. Clair, Local 138 (2016-2018)
H: 519.253.6431
W: 519.972.2727 x4328
E: blgraham2@gmail.com
Robert Carder, Conestoga, Local 237 (2016-2020)
H: 226.929.4650
W: 519.885.0300 x5571
E: bobcarder237@gmail.com
Kathleen Dindoff, Fanshawe, Local 110 (2016-2020)
H: 519.439.3778
W: 519.452.4205
C: 519.619.6556
E: dindoff@mac.com
Grant Douglas Currie, St. Lawrence, Local 417
H: 613.893.2505
W: 613.544.5400 x6760
E: president@slcfaculty.ca
Task Force Alternates 2016 – 2020 (program ends)
1st Alternate – Ryan Gibbs, Lambton, Local 125
H: 519.312.3029
W: 519.542.7751 x3200
E: rgibbs4@uwo.ca
2nd Alternate – Aparna Halpe, Centennial, Local 558
C: 416.912.9298
E: ahalpe@gmail.com
Joint Education Qualifications Committee (JEQS)
JEQS Members 2016 – 2020
Claire Tortolo, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.798.7460
C: 613.407.2467
E: claire.tortolo@gmail.com
Liz Seabrook, Lambton, Local 125
H: 519.542.6771
W: 519.542.7751 x3525
C: 519.384.9304
E: liz.seabrook@cogeco.ca
Edouard Larocque, George Brown, Local 556
H: 416.452.3647
W: 416.415.5000 x2200
E: e.larocque556@gmail.com
JEQS Alternates 2016 – 2020
1st Alternate – Shawn Pentecost, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.628.3678
W: 613.735.4700 x2766
C: 613.281.3172
E: shawnopseu415@gmail.com
2nd Alternate – Ravi Ramkissoonsingh, Niagara, Local 242
H: 905.280.0279
W: 905.735.2211 x7744
C: 905.933.7671
E: ravira720@gmail.com
3rd Alternate – Trevor Warren, Confederation, Local 732
H: 807.344.5702
W: 807.475.6118
C: 807.629.6688
E: trevor@isshinryu.ca
Joint Grievance Scheduling Committee (JGSC)
The Grievance Scheduling Committee consists of representatives of the council and the union which meet monthly to schedule grievances for arbitration. The committee frequently makes recommendations in an attempt to streamline scheduling. Guidelines for Grievances and Arbitrations in the College System
This document is intended to provide an overview of the grievance and arbitration process in the college system and how the joint Grievance Scheduling Committee (JGSC) schedules arbitration hearings.
JGSC Documentation
- New Arbitrator Reference Manual: This is a manual containing information about the procedures/processes for arbitration cases in the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, including the steps involved in processing grievances arising from the provisions of the two Collective Agreements (Academic and Support Bargaining Units), beginning with the referral of the complaint to arbitration and ending with the Arbitrator’s award
- Expedited Arbitration Scheduling memo, May 19th, 2009
- Guidelines for grievance mediation in the college system
- Terms of Reference for the Joint Grievance Scheduling Committee (JGSC)
JGSC Members 2016 – 2020
Jean Paul Lamarche, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.716.7009
W: 613.727.4723 x7716
E: jaa_peejp@yahoo.com
Lana-Lee Hardacre, Conestoga, Local 237
H: 519.884.4224
W: 519.748.5220 x3734
E: lhardacre237@gmail.com
Gillian Axten, St. Lawrence, Local 417
H: 613.347.7721
W: 613.933.6080 x2227
E: gillaxten@live.com
OPSEU Staff:
Manuela Popa, Database Administrator
JGSC Alternates 2016 – 2020
1st Alternate – David Haley, Algonquin Local 415
H: 613.837.5180
W: 613.727.4723 x5932
C: 613.854.2357
E: dhhaley.opseu415@gmail.com
2nd Alternate – Ravi Ramkissoonsingh, Niagara, Local 242
H: 905.280.0279
W: 905.735.2211 x7744
C: 905.933.7671
E: ravira720@gmail.com
3rd Alternate – Maureen Murphy-Fricker,Conestoga , Local 237
H: 613.347.7721
C: 519.500.4688
E: murfric@rogers.com
Joint Insurance Committee (JIC)
This committee facilitates communication between the union (OPSEU) and management (the Council) on the subject of group insurance and negotiated benefits. For issues of the “Benefits You” Newsletter and information about appealing a benefit claim, please click here. CAAT Academic Joint Insurance Committee.
JIC Members 2018 – 2022
Heather Giardine-Tuck, Mohawk, Local 240
H: 905.681.7402
W: 905.575.1212 x4065
C: 905.512.5042
E: heathergiardinetuck@hotmail.com
Urzula Kosecka, Humber, Local 562
H: 647.977.4990
W: 416.675.6622 x4843
E: cogito727@yahoo.ca
Landyn Blais, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.574.0090
W: 613.727.4723 x7056
C: 613.864.1681
E: lblaisopseu415@gmail.com
Terry Poirier, Niagara, Local 242
H: 289.303.7340
W: 905.735.2211 x7709
E: tpoir76@gmail.com
JIC Alternates
1st Alternate – Gaspare Bonomo, Mohawk, Local 240
H: 905.628.6650
W: 905.575.1212. x3193
C: 905.971.3842
E: bonomojvo@gmail.com
2nd Alternate, Eric Bauer, Loyalist, Local 420
C: 613.848.8192
W: 613.969.1913 x2300
E: ebauer1@cogeco.ca
OPSEU Staff:
Kim McPherson, Benefits Officer
Pension Sponsor
The CAAT Pension Plan serves the employees of Ontario’s Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, providing Members with retirement income for life, calculated on their earnings and years of service.
For complete information go to the CAAT Pension Plan website at http://www.caatpension.on.ca/
There are two trustees with the legal title to and fiduciary obligation for the assets of the plan. The sponsor is an individual elected by the division to participate in the operation of the pension plan
Pension Sponsor Members 2019 – 2021 (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2021)
Pat Kennedy, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.828.3816
W: 613.727.4723 x7716
C: 613.983.0102
E: kennedypj@rogers.com
Pension Sponsor Alternate (January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021)
Shawn Pentecost, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.628.3678
W: 613.735.4700 x2766
C: 613.281.3172
E: shawnopseu415@gmail.com
Pension Trustees 2019-2021
Pension Trustees Members (January 1– December 31)
Donald Smith, Georgian, Local 350
H: 705.835.2423
W: 705.728.1968 x149
C: 705.790.2423
E: don.s@sympatico.ca
David Haley, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.837.5180
W: 613.727.4723 x5932
C: 613.854.2357
E: dhhaley60@gmail.com
Pension Trustees Alternates 2019-2021
1st Alternate, Gavin Hemeon, Algonquin, Local 415
W: 807.473.3729
C: 807.632.2043
E: ghemeon@gmail.com
2nd Alternate, Jonathan Lake, Loyalist, Local 420
H: 613.837.5180
W: 613.969.1913 x2416
C: 613.922.7661
E: jonathanmlake@gmail.com
Sick Leave Buyout
This committee is made up of the union (OPSEU) and management (the Council) to allow individuals hired prior to 1991 to buy out their sick leave plan prior to termination or retirement.
Sick Leave Buyout Members 2018 – 2022
Shawn Pentecost, Algonquin, Local 415
H: 613.628.3678
W: 613.735.4700 x2766
C: 613.281.3172
E: shawnopseu415@gmail.com
Darryl Bedford, Fanshawe, Local 110 (2016-2020)
H: 519.673.6625
W: 519.452.4291
C: 519.636.2537
E: dbedford@step27.com
OPSEU Staff:
Kim McPherson, Benefits Officer
Sick Leave Buyout Alternates 2016 – 2020
1st Alternate – David Fasciano, Boreal, Local 673
H: 705.524.1207
W: 705.560.6673 x4200
C: 705.698.3267
E: david.fasciano@hotmail.com
2nd Alternate – Pearline Lung, Humber, Local 562
W: 416.675.6622 x74801
E: pearlinedivex@gmail.com
Local Legal Coordinator 2018-2022
Joanne Arbour, Durham, Local 354
H: 613.475.5323
W: 905.721.3111 x2630
E: mjoannearbour@gmail.com
Local Legal Coordinator (francophone) 2018-2022
Mona Chevalier, La Cite, Local 470
H: 819.682.1271
W: 613.742.2483 x3012
E: mjoannearbour@gmail.com