Choose strength & solidarity

Choose strength & solidarity

Choose strength and solidarity, choose OPSEU poster.
Choose strength and solidarity, choose OPSEU poster.

At OPSEU, we’ve built something to be proud of. With nearly 50,000 health care workers across the province, and 155,000 members provincially, our strength is in our shared history, experience, and in our members like you.

It’s important to remember that you are not voting on a collective agreement. You’re voting on the union you want to represent you for the rest of your working career.

So, what do strength and solidarity look like?

Stronger together

With OPSEU, you’ve got the full strength of your central union behind you.

At OPSEU, we don’t believe your local union should be asked to finance every membership service, including grievances and bargaining. Services can suffer without strong support from your central union. OPSEU head office provides the majority of services and resources, including staff and financial support to ensure members get what they need, when they need it.

OPSEU is an inclusive union. OPSEU’s priority is to ensure all members have equal opportunities. OPSEU members are encouraged and supported in attending Convention, meetings, educationals and all other events.

OPSEU invests in our members

As an activist within OPSEU, you will experience unparalleled educational opportunities. OPSEU will invest in you, up to and including university level credit, including courses in labour relations. We support members who wish to attend Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) schools, Occupational Disability Response Training (ODRT) courses, and weekend educationals on topics like health and safety, introduction for local stewards, how to file grievances, labour history, and economics (the impacts of austerity and neo-liberalism). Each year, a dozen or more members attend the Broadbent Institute’s annual Progress Summit in Ottawa – a platform for progressive individuals to become leaders for progressive social and political change.

But perhaps most importantly, all courses are provided based on the needs and interests identified BY MEMBERS, FOR MEMBERS. By popular demand, OPSEU has funded courses on women’s rights, minority issues, and pay equity; Region 4 locals have come together for joint educationals with world renowned speakers on topics like protecting public health care, and media relations. Courses are often offered at regional offices or membership centres, in members’ own communities. OPSEU makes these investments in our members, because we believe in you, and we have the structure to provide BETTER funding opportunities to support you.

OPSEU’s structure supports solidarity

At OPSEU, we believe that union action is united action. We are stronger when people work together – at the local level and province-wide.

OPSEU’s sectors and divisions help to link members and locals by workplace commonality. Our Hospital Support Sector brings members and locals together from hospitals across the province to coordinate various activities, including:

  • Helping locals prepare for demand-setting and coordinating objectives
  • Deciding on common bargaining priorities
  • Organizing province-wide campaigns and actions
  • Campaigning on policy issues that affect members – such as hospital cuts and privatization

OPSEU’s Hospital Support Sector ensures that the interests and priorities of hospital staff are reflected within OPSEU, and to the decision-makers at Queen’s Park. OPSEU members have the strength of the central union, their sector, and their local behind them. With OPSEU, you’re never on your own.

For strength and solidarity, choose OPSEU.

OPSEU’s got your back.

Service. Accountability. Strength.

Find out more:

Patti Markland
Organizing Representative
[email protected]
Cell: 416-802-8121 or
1-800-268-7376 ext. 5150
facebook: Kingston Healthcare – OPSEU’s Got Your Back

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