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A Guide for Practical Strategies for Managing Mental Health and RTW

A Guide for Practical Strategies for Managing Mental Health and RTW

OPSEU/SEFPO Disability Rights Caucus.
OPSEU/SEFPO Disability Rights Caucus.

The Disability Rights Caucus (DRC) is happy to share this newly released guide on Return to Work (RTW) that was developed by a team led by Ellen MacEachen at the University of Waterloo.  

The guide is meant to be a hands-on resource to help problem-solve challenges in the RTW process. One unexpected finding of this project was that many of the RTW co-ordinators who were interviewed in this study expressed a feeling of burnout. I think that may be related to that the RTW co-ordinators have the responsibility to get the worker back to work, but they don’t have the power to ensure the accommodations planned actually take place – another example of putting a high degree of responsibility on workers but not giving them the control necessary to fulfil expectations that can end up as poor health outcomes for those workers.

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Click here to go to the website to download the guide.