Expert advisory panel on workplace safety
June 30, 2010 – Following the deaths of four construction workers on Christmas Eve, Labour Minister Peter Fonseca announced a review of the province’s occupational health and safety system. In March, the government appointed Tony Dean, a former Secretary of the Cabinet who has also served as Deputy Minister of Labour, as chair of an advisory panel of safety experts from labour groups, employers and academic institutions to recommend options for structural, operational, and policy improvements to workplace safety. Seven working groups were established to gather information and report to the panel on specific issues such as system structure, the internal responsibility system, vulnerable/precarious workers, the underground economy, supply chains and incentives, technology and innovation, and training. OPSEU raised its concern that none of the front-line experts on enforcing the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Ministry of Labour inspectors, were on the panel or working groups.
Nonetheless, OPSEU and occupational health and safety inspectors have contributed their insight and expertise to the important issues the panel is considering. OPSEU and the inspectors have made presentations during the public consultations, as well as on a specific day arranged to discuss health and safety enforcement. In addition, OPSEU and its Ministry of Labour members are pleased to present written submissions to the panel.
OPSEU Submission click here
OPSEU Ministry of Labour Employee Relations Committee submission click here
The panel will review all submissions over the summer and is due to report back by the end of 2010. For more information regarding the Expert Panel Review, click link
Needle Safety regulation
July 7, 2009 – OPSEU and three other unions respond to the government consultation paper on extending the Needle Safety regulation to additional workplaces and health care services
Joint Union Submission
Government’s Consultation Paper
Ministry of Labour Consultation on Workplace Violence
October 21, 2008 – OPSEU calls on the Ministry of Labour to introduce legislation to protect workers from all types of workplace violence. Read Consultation Paper
MOL “Safe at Work” enforcement plan
April 30, 2008 – OPSEU provides a submission to Ontario"s Ministry of Labour to give input on the government’s 2008/2009 health and safety enforcement strategy, "Safe at Work Ontario." Read OPSEU"s submission
Emergency Management Act (May 2006)
OPSEU’s written submission on Bill 56 (caution – large document)
Patty Rout submission on Bill 56 on behalf of President Casselman
Mary Ing and Sandi Blancher’s submissions on Bill 56
Brendan Kilcline, HPD health and safety chair’s presentation on Bill 56
March 2006 Final joint OPSEU/ONA submission to the SARS Commission
July 11, 2005 – Joint letter from OPSEU and ONA responding to the SARS Commission Second Interim Report (includes link to 2nd interim SARS report)
Occupational Exposure Limit Project
November 23, 2004 – OPSEU"s submission to the Ministry of Labour"s Occupational Exposure Limit Project — a plan to reduce OELs in Ontario announced on September 20, 2004. The proposal includes changes to the exposure limits of 66 chemical agents (making 63 more protective and 3 less protective) and setting limits for 26 agents not currently regulated.
Occupational Disease Advisory Panel
September 30, 2004 – OPSEU"s Response to the Draft Report of the Occupational Disease Advisory Panel submitted to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Occupational Disease Advisory Panel on Sept 30, 2004.