This pages contains information for members who may require a human rights accommodation in order to fully participate at OPSEU event(s)/function(s).
OPSEU Accommodation Policy
The purpose of the OPSEU Accommodation Policy is to ensure that OPSEU provides accommodation to members in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. The goal of an accommodation is to allow OPSEU members to participate fully in union-related activities and functions. Members who require accommodation may direct their requests to the Equity Unit or an event planner by completing an Accommodation Request Form (see below). Members will be required to identify accommodation-related needs and to provide information about capabilities, limitations and restrictions in order to substantiate requests for accommodation.
The Equity Unit will assess all accommodation requests on an individualized basis and will explore accommodation options. All accommodation-related information will be kept confidential except where disclosure is necessary to make arrangements or to process expense claims.
OPSEU Accommodation Fund
The OPSEU Accommodation Fund is a central fund administered by the Equity Unit. Approved member expenses (e.g. materials in alternate formats, sign language interpretation, single room hotel accommodation, extra caregiving costs) will be reimbursed through the Fund for Locals, regional events, provincial committees and caucuses. Approved accommodation expenses for central events are covered by event budgets. Access to any reimbursement of expenses for accommodation is obtained through the Accommodation Request Form process.
Downloadable Documents
OPSEU Accommodation Policy
Human Rights Accommodation Request Form
For any additional questions, contact the Equity Unit.