In attendance:
*Bierman (Co-Chair) Jeremy (Jake) Rouse Jessica O’Donnell Jeremy Verdiel
Kathleen Demareski, OPS Negotiator
For the Employer: Donna Walton (Co-Chair) Laura Aitchison
Carly Jones (Minutes) Brian Locke Stephanie Maragna
Administrative Items:
Approval of Agenda
Agenda was approved.
Standing Items:
1. Strategic Planning Process (SPP) Disclosure
The Employer advised that there are no updates.
2. Employee Engagement
Refer to Item 15.
3. Inclusion/Accessibility/Diversity
The Employer advised that the Ministry is partnering with TBS to put “R” in READI.
4. Fixed Term Position Conversion/Seasonal Employee Statistics
Reports were provided to OPSEU.
Business Arising:
5. Classification/Compensation Discussions
- Class Standards
Action Item: Defer to next meeting.
b) Fair compensation/classification for members including Resource Technicians and special cases that were submitted by Conservation Officers and Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
Action Item: Defer to next meeting.
6. Future of Work in the OPS
The Parties agreed that the feasibility review as per Appendix 42 will start with the IRM position in the Regional Operational Division (ROD).
Action Item: The Parties to develop the scope of work by the next MERC meeting (September 2023).
7. Discussion on Organization Charts and Maintenance of InfoGO
No updates are available at this time.
Action Item: Parties to provide updates as available.
8. Seasonal employees rights and entitlements AFFES
The Parties have agreed to establish a MERC subcommittee to discuss the following, including but not limited to:
- Seasonal Employee Rights and Entitlements
- Retention of AFFES skillset
- Compressed Work Agreements
Action Item: The Parties to decide on who will sit on the subcommittee.
9. Intern positions classified under the Admin category vs the Tech category
OPSEU provided the Employer with examples of the Intern positions.
Action Item: The Employer to follow-up when information is available.
10. Unified Pay Equity Project (PIQ)
The Parties agree that selected employees are permitted 3 hours of paid time to complete the Position Information Questionnaire (PIQ).
11. MERC Terms of Reference
The Employer advised that a draft Terms of Reference will be sent to OPSEU by June 30, 2023.
Action Item: OPSEU to provide comments as applicable.
12. Statement of Issue re Biologist positions in Regional Operations Division (ROD)
The A/Director, Southern Region attended MERC to provide responses to OPSEU’s questions.
OPSEU advised that they will be forwarding this matter to the Deputy Minister.
13. Appendix UN 6c) – Schedule A
Action Item: The Employer to follow-up by next meeting.
New Business:
14. MNRF Critical Injury Protocol
The Employer advised that the protocol is located on the Ministry website. As per the MNRF Critical Injury Protocol, critical injuries involving OPSEU-represented employees will be shared with the MNRF MERC Co-Chair.
Action Item: The Union will advise of any issues as they arise. Item to be removed form the agenda.
15. MNRF Bush Meal Business Practice
OPSEU advised that there have been questions about what a bush meal is.
Action Item: The Employer to advise OPSEU when clarifying information is available.
16. ROD Survey Results
OPSEU requested the Southern Region Innovation Team Survey results.
17. Next Meeting Dates
The next meeting is scheduled for September 28, 2023.
Originally Approved on June 22, 2023
For the Union Christopher Bierman Date
Originally Approved on June 22, 2023
For the Ministry Donna Walton Date