Convention 2016 Minutes

Convention 2016 Minutes


Table of Contents

April 14 – 16, 2016
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto

Thursday, April 14, 2016 – Morning Session

President Thomas, called the Convention to order at 9:03 a.m.

Statement of Respect – video played

The President welcomed all Delegates, Alternates, Observers and Guests to the 41st Annual Convention, the highest decision-making body of OPSEU.

Moment of Silence

A Minute of Silence was observed in memory of all those who have passed away since our last Convention, Staff That have passed away in the last year are Sister Tina Furman, Administrative Assistant, Head Office and Sister Virgery Vanier, Staff Rep, Niagara Regional Office.

All participants joined in singing O Canada.

Andrea Horwath, Ontario NDP leader addressed the Convention.

Chris Buckley, President, OFL, addressed the Convention. He was joined by Gord Wilson, former OFL president (1986 to 1997). He was also joined on stage by Patty Coates, Secretary-Treasurer and Ahmad Gaied, Executive Vice-President, OFL.

Mike Layton (on behalf of Janet Davis), Toronto City Councillor, brought greetings from Toronto City Council welcoming OPSEU attendees.

General announcements were made on events and services available at Convention. (Video)

Electronic Voting

A motion was passed at the 2015 Convention to explore electronic voting at the 2016 Convention. Michael O’Shea showed video on the “how to’s” of electronic voting. Questions were addressed.

President Thomas introduced the head table:

  • Eduardo Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer
  • Maria Wysocki, Procedural Advisor
  • Michael Grimaldi, Constitution and Rules of Order Advisor
  • Sherry Bader, Recording Secretary
  • Nicole Glass, A/Corporate Secretary/Backup Recording Secretary

President Thomas made two announcements:  2nd “OPSEU’s Got Talent Night” on Thursday evening and Comedy Night on Friday.

Credentials Committee Report

Introduction of Credentials Committee

Region 1 –                Ian Magcale, L. 105
Region 2 –                John Dickson, L. 248
Region 3 –                Erika Warnes, L. 356
Region 4 –                Tara Langford, L. 435
Region 5 –                Anthony Marinucci, L. 549
Region 5 –                Kingsley Kwok, L. 575
Region 6 –                Cathy Whipple, L.614 (Chair)
Region 7 –                Terri Morris, L. 714
Staff Advisor –          Fran Borsellino

Moved:  C. Whipple, Cred.Ctte., L.614/Seconded: I. Magcale, Cred.Ctte., L.105
Adoption of Credentials Committee Report as of 10:20 a.m.

Delegates                845
Alternates                401
Observers                155
Retirees                      7
EBMs                        18
Committees               49
Solidarity Guests       18
Guests                       3
Total                    1,496

Vote on Adoption of Credentials Report   Carried

Section A – Convention Agenda

Moved: J. Arbus, RVP Region 6/Seconded: G. Caldwell, L. 302
Adoption of the Convention Agenda as distributed.

Vote on the Agenda   Carried

Section B – Minutes of Last Convention 2015

Moved: J. Johnson, L. 644/Seconded: G. Caldwell, L.302
Adoption of the Minutes of Convention 2015 as printed in Section B.     

Vote on the Minutes of Convention 2015  Carried

President’s Address

President Thomas addressed the issue of the sexual harassment That occurred at OPSEU’s head office. He talked about the policies being put into place to deal with this serious issue.

Videos were shown to the Convention on sexual harassment at work

Smokey then gave some background on himself and talked about the struggles and fights before us.

Resolutions Committee

Donald Wright, Resolutions Committee Chair, introduced members of the Resolutions Committee.

Region 1 –                Gino Franche, L. 130
Region 2 –                Karen Clark, L. 212
Region 3 –                Elaine Bagnall, L. 362
Region 4 –                Daryl O’Grady, L. 456
Region 6 –                Donald Wright, L. 557 (Chair)
Region 7 –                John Watson, L. 701
Staff Advisor –          Mandy Dumais
Secretary –               Karlene Henry

Report on Resolutions:  Received 273, 4 sent to Constitution Committee (B8, K2, K3, K4), 13 were rejected, accepted 256

Resolutions Committee: Statutory Resolution A1 – Financial Statements

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation: FOR

Moved: D. Wright, Res. Ctte. L.557/Seconded: K. Clark. Res. Ctte. L.212

Be it resolved that in compliance with Article 26.2 of the Constitution and Section 97 of the Corporations Act,  the Financial Statements for the 12-month period ending December 2015, including the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, the Statement of Fund Balances and the Statement of Cash Flows, together with the Auditors’ report thereon, and all transactions reflected thereby be approved and That the President and First Vice-President/Treasurer be authorized to sign the financial statements on behalf of the Executive Board.

Vote on Statutory Resolution A1 – Financial Statements  Carried

Resolutions Committee: Statutory Resolution A3 – Appointment of Auditors

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  For

Moved: D. Wright, Res. Ctte. L. 557, / Seconded: K. Clark, Res. Ctte. L.212

Be it resolved that in compliance with Article 26.2 and 28.4 of the Constitution and Section 94 of the Corporations Act, PWC, PricewaterhouseCoopers; be Auditors of OPSEU for the fiscal year January 1, 2016 through to December 31, 2016 and the Executive Board fix the Auditors’ remuneration.

Vote on Statutory Resolution A3 – Appointment of Auditors  Carried

Resolutions Committee: Statutory Resolution A2 – Section E – Executive Board Report

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  For

Moved: D. Wright, Cred. Ctte., L.557/Seconded: K. Clark, Res. Ctte., L.212

Be it resolved that in compliance with Section 129 of the Corporations Act, the Convention endorse the actions of the Executive Board from the closing of the last Convention until the closing of this Convention.

Vote on Statutory Resolution A2 – Executive Board Report  Carried

President Thomas made announcement: rally for Provincial Schools at Queen’s Park, noon

Lunch Recess

Thursday, April 14, 2016 – Afternoon Session

President Thomas called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m.

Smokey asked members to show their support by wearing ribbons That were handed out: Pink is for Annual Day of Pink; to celebrate healthy relationships/stop bullying; Teal represents recognition of sexual assault, awareness and prevention and White represents speaking out against violence in the workplace.

He also encouraged members to tweet directly to Premier Wynne; Hydro Not for Sale, Keep Hydro Public

Credentials Committee Report

Moved:  S. Abdey, Cred.Ctte., L.151/Seconded: C. Whipple, Cred. Ctte., L.614

Adoption of Credentials Committee Report as of 10:02 a.m.

Delegates                 932
Alternates                486
Observers                200
Retirees                      7
EBMs                        19
Committees               51
Solidarity Guests      25
Guests                        5
Total                    1,725

Vote on Adoption of Credentials Report  Carried

President Thomas introduced Gerard Hayes, from Health Services Union, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory. His union has 33,000 members in New South Wales and 72,000 members across Australia. His Union’s campaigns have been successful in preventing the privatization of services as well as having brought about the return of previously privatized services to the Public Sector.

Resolutions Committee: EB5 – Executive Board – Section G

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  For
Moved: K. Clark, Res. Ctte., L.212/Seconded: G. Franche, Res. Ctte., L.130

Launching the “We Own It!” anti-privatization campaign

Whereas under the current Liberal government Ontario has encouraged a proliferation of forms of privatization, including contracting-out, public-private partnerships, asset sales and Social Impact Bonds; and

Whereas privatization constitutes a transfer of wealth from the public realm to private hands, a regressive action That does nothing to improve services and wastes public dollars; and

Whereas privatization affects all Ontarians by undermining public accountability, eliminating transparency, reducing access to services, and dramatically increasing costs; and

Whereas privatization is to the public sector what free trade is to the private sector, namely, a right-wing destroyer of good jobs and decent wages; and

Whereas OPSEU is Ontario’s leading opponent of privatization in all its destructive configurations; and

Whereas it is crucial That OPSEU shift the debate on privatization and intensify the pressure on the provincial government to change its policy on privatization;

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU continue to fight privatization at the bargaining table to protect the public interest and public jobs; and

Be it further resolved That OPSEU launch “We Own It!,” a far-reaching campaign to fight privatization in this province by shifting public opinion and ensuring That no party That supports privatization can get elected in Ontario.

Moved: S. Penecost, L.415 / Seconded: D. Haley, L.415
Closure on Resolution EB5 – Carried

Vote on Resolution EB5  Carried

Resolutions Committee: EB13 – Executive Board – Section G

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee Recommendation: For
Moved: K. Clark, Res. Ctte., L.212 / Seconded: G. Franche, Res. Ctte., L.130

Transfer of Funds from General fund to Strike fund

Whereas world-wide, Private Public Partnerships (P3’s) continue to gain in popularity and grow in numbers, but continue to fail the accountability litmus test; and

Whereas campaigns around the world are having an impact against the proliferation of P3’s and the corporate profiteers; and

Whereas the Government of Ontario continues to ignore all evidence That the Privatization of Public assets and responsibilities is failing its citizens, costing more and providing less; and

Whereas ensuring public education and mobilization is imperative to force governments to back off of this costly, dangerous and corrupt boondoggle; and

Whereas OPSEU via its Members and Staff have effectively combated the hateful right wing attacks on its own citizens for decades; and

Whereas the Strike Fund has in excess of 72 million dollars; and

Whereas OPSEU can clearly articulate and demonstrate to the Public the exact damage That the corporate agenda is doing to us all.

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU will cease the transfer of 5 percent of all dues to the strike fund for a 12 month period commencing the close of convention 2016; and

Be it further resolved That these funds will coded to a separate line, to be indicated on the financials as the “Strike Back Fund”; and

Be it further resolved That authorized funds drawn from the strike back fund will be kept on the financials on a separate stand-alone report within the financials; and

Be it further resolved That any funds required will have to be authorized via Motion(s) as according to policy via the Officers (under 10k amounts) or the Executive Board.

Moved: O.Obaji, L.446 / Seconded: J. Hanson, L.416
Closure on Resolution EB13 – Carried

Vote on Resolution EB13  Carried

Resolutions Committee: EB 15 – Executive Board – Section G

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee Recommendation: For
Moved: K. Clark, Res. Ctte., L.212 / Seconded: G. Franche, Res Ctte., L.130

Ontario Federation of Labour

Whereas there has been a significant change within the leadership of the OFL; and,

Whereas promising discussions have begun to return OPSEU to the OFL; and,

Whereas it is OPSEU's intention to retune to the House of Labour

Therefore Be it resolved that the Board be authorized to return providing acceptable terms are agreed to, including the issue of arrears.  

Moved: M Carter, L.557 / Seconded: M. Martin, L.557
Closure on Resolution EB15  Carried

Vote on Resolution EB15  Carried

Chris Buckley thanked Convention for solidarity and support.

Section D – Budget 2016

Deb Tungatt, RVP Region 2 in Chair

Eduardo Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer, presented the budget on behalf of the Executive Board.

Moved: E. Almeida, First Vice-President/Treasurer/Seconded: W. Thomas, President

Adoption of the 2016 Budget as printed in Section D.

President Thomas back in Chair

Moved: M. Muscatello, L.559 / Seconded: R. Donchev, L.559

Amendment to Budget

Delete Administrative Savings line of $1 million, under Departmental Expenses

No speakers, no closure moved

Vote on Amendment to Budget – delete Administrative Savings line of $1 million  Defeated

Moved: M. MacKay, L.240 / Seconded: M. Allan, L.240

Amendment to Budget

Amend budget to include a subcategory under Other Legal Expenses titled CAAT A Divex Legal Defence Fund

Moved: O. Obaji / Seconded: J. Hanson, L.416
Closure on Amendment  Carried

Amend budget to include a subcategory under Other Legal Expenses titled CAAT A Divex Legal Defence Fund

Vote on Amendment to Budget  Carried

Tabled Budget until after Awards

Orders of the Day – Awards Presentation

Health and Safety – Individual

Recipient:  Deb Brotzel, Local 112

This year’s winner of the Outstanding Individual Health and Safety Award goes to Deb Brotzel of Local 112 Deb has worked for 35 years as a Child Care Worker at the Child and Parent Resource Institute in London.

She started as a member of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, eventually becoming Union Co-Chair in the 1990’s until her retirement day in 2015. Deb has attending all levels of Health and Safety Training and educational events. She helped to manage many health and safety issues during the SARS crisis.

Leah Casselman Award – Individual

Recipient: Janice Martel, Local 604

Janice’s campaign is to bring justice to the thousands of miners and their families who were mandated by mining executives to inhale a toxic aluminum dust called McIntyre Powder. Her own father’s deteriorating health due to this powder helped her raise awareness about workplace safety.

Through all of her dedication to this cause, she has strengthened alliances between OPSEU and other Unions.

Leah Casselman Award – Local

Recipient: Carepartners, Local 294

This award goes to a local who fought their employer for a fair first contract which led to a strike That lasted almost eight months – one of the longest in OPSEU’s history

The financial burden was extremely difficult, but these members continued their battle, demonstrating incredible strength, determination and solidarity.

Convention Adjourned at 4:40 P.M.

Friday, April 15, 2016 – Morning Session

President Thomas called the meeting to order at 9:45 a.m.

Credentials Committee Report

Moved:  A. Marinucci, Cred. Ctte., L.549 / Seconded:  C. Whipple, Cred.Ctte., L.614

Adoption of Credentials Committee Report as of 9:48 a.m.

Delegates                 939
Alternates                497
Observers                209
Retirees                      7
EBMs                        19
Committees               52
Solidarity Guests        5
Guests                       5
Total                    1,759

Vote on Adoption of Credentials Report  Carried

Resolutions Committee: EB16 Executive Board – Emergency Resolution

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee Recommendation: For
Moved: L. Elliott, RVP, Reg 1 / Seconded: S. Labelle, RVP, Reg 3

Whereas the Executive Board has the responsibility and fiduciary obligation to develop and enforce the policies of the Union, and to act at all times in the best interests of the Union and its members; and

Whereas the Union is an Employer of over 300 employees represented by two bargaining agents and excluded staff under employment contracts; and

Whereas the Union has staffing policies related to harassment and discrimination, which were recently amended, and which are subject to annual review; and

Whereas some members have made allegations That a toxic work environment exists in the Union, including allegations of systemic sexual harassment experienced by staff, culminating in sexual assault charges against one former staff member; and

Whereas the members have alleged That a culture within OPSEU allowed this behavior to continue unaddressed for years; and

Whereas the members’ allegations were recently reported by Canada’s largest media outlet, which may impact the Union’s operations on behalf of the members; and

Whereas it is in the Union’s necessary interests to ensure That the allegations are fully addressed:

Therefore Be it resolved that the Executive Board will establish an ad hoc task force consisting of two officers, two Executive Board members, two OPSSU members, one ASU member, and one employee from the excluded staff;

Be it further resolved That the task force will review the Union’s staffing policies related to harassment and discrimination and will engage and direct an external independent consultant to conduct a review of OPSEU’s harassment and discrimination polices, complaint reporting processes, and workplace culture;

Be it further resolved That the consultant will report to the task force and the Executive Board; and

Be it further resolved That the task force will be established immediately and the external review will be established to ensure That it does not prejudice legal or other processes That are currently underway.

Moved: B. Palmieri, L. 206 / Seconded: S. Blancher, L. 106
Closure on Resolution B16  Carried         

Vote on Resolution B16  Carried

Budget, resumed

Moved: E. Rice, L.740 / Seconded: S. Walker, L.249

Amendment to Budget

Under Salary and Payroll costs, add three (3) full-time Pay Equity staff for one (1) year, with the cost in accordance with the OPSEU staff collective agreement

No closure called – 3 in favour

Under Salary and Payroll costs, add three (3) full-time Pay Equity staff for one (1) year, with the cost in accordance with the OPSEU staff collective agreement

Vote on Amendment to Budget  Carried

Moved: M. Martin, L.557 / Seconded: V. Samuels, L.557
Closure on budget  Carried

Vote on  Budget  Carried

Constitution Committee

The members of the Committee are:

Region 1        –         Naz Binck, Local 137
Region 2        –         Serge Valcourt, Local 270
Region 3        –         Tim Hannah, Local 308 (Chair)
Region 4        –         Rhonda Ferguson, Local 494
Region 5        –         Janice Hagan, Vice-Chair, Local 561
Region 6        –         Kenneth Steinbrunner, Local 642
Region 7        –         Sophia Ambrose, Local 736
EBM              –         Sean Platt, EBM, Local 368
Staff Advisor  –         Laurie Chapman
Support Staff –         Alyssa Walker

Article 27.1 The Constitution may be amended only by a two-thirds vote of those delegates present and voting at any Convention.

Constitutional Amendment A1, (C5 – Section H) Articles 13, 14 and 19
Submitted by: The Aboriginal Circle
Constitutional Committee’s Recommendation: Acceptance

Moved: T. Hannah, Const. Ctte., L. 308 / Seconded: S. Valcourt, Const. Ctte., L.270

Amend Article 13.4 (e) to read as follows: (changes in bold)

The Members of the Provincial Women’s Committee and the Provincial Human Rights Committee and the Provincial Young Workers Committee and the Provincial Francophone Committee and one Member of the Aboriginal Indigenous Circle per Region, shall be entitled to be delegates.

Amend Article 13.8 to read as follows: (changes in bold)

Resolutions and constitutional amendments may be submitted by any Local, Area Council or Division, by the Executive Board, by the Provincial Women’s Committee, by the Provincial Human Rights Committee, by the Provincial Young Workers Committee, by the executive of the Retired Members’ Division, by the Provincial Francophone Committee and by the AboriginalIndigenous Circle. They shall be attested to by two officers of the Local, Council, Division, Board or Committee and, except for resolutions and amendments from the Board, shall be forwarded so as to reach Union Headquarters not later than 45 calendar days prior to the opening of the Convention. Resolutions and constitutional amendments submitted contrary to this procedure may be dealt with by the Convention only with the consent of the majority of the delegates and only after all regularly submitted resolutions and constitutional amendments have been dealt with, except That the delegates may accept a resolution but not a constitutional amendment, as an emergency and deal with it immediately.

Amend Article 14.5.4 as follows: (changes in bold)

Delegates to Regional election meetings shall be provided with a financial statement showing the expenses incurred during the previous fiscal year by the regional Board Members, the Provincial Women’s Committee, the Provincial Human Rights Committee, the Provincial Young Workers Committee and the Aboriginal Indigenous Circle.

Amend Article 19.5  as follows: (changes in bold)

There shall be an Aboriginal Indigenous Circle composed of two (2) Members from each Region where they are represented within the Region. The Members of the Aboriginal Indigenous Circle shall be selected by the Aboriginal Indigenous Circle from interested Members who apply to fill vacancies within their Region. The full membership of the Circle will be renewed on a biennial basis. The function of the Circle shall be to assist in creating networks within the Regions, to develop and promote programs to encourage First Nation, Métis and Inuit Members to participate in Union activities, and to increase the awareness and understanding of Aboriginal issues throughout the membership.

Moved: P. Beaumont, L. 309 / Seconded: J. Nealon, L. 309
Closure on Constitutional Amendment A.1  Carried

Vote on Const. Amendment A1, C5, Articles 13, 14 & 19  Carried

Constitutional Amendment A2, (C1 – Section H) Articles 6,7

Submitted by: Local 634
Constitutional Committee’s Recommendation: Defeat
Moved: S. Ambrose, Const. Cte, L.736 / Seconded: R. Ferguson, Const.Cte, L.494

Article 6

Add a new Article 6.3 (f) to read as follows: (changes in bold)

6.3      A Member shall remain in good standing provided s/he is:

          (f) Not penalized by failure to step down from an acting management or acting excluded management position under Article 6.8.2.

Add a new Article 6.8.2 (changes in bold)

6.8.2 Any member who is in a temporary management or temporary excluded management position shall return to their home position when required, under authority of the President, to do so. If they fail to step down, they shall be ineligible to seek or hold any Union office or function.

Article 7
Membership Rights

Add a new Article 7.2.3 as follows: (changes in bold)

7.2.3 A member will be removed from office and will be barred from running for office if they refuse to return to their OPSEU bargaining unit position from an acting management or excluded management position when required, under authority of the President,  to do so.

Moved: J. Arscott, L. 532 / Seconded: R. Bemister, L. 561
Closure on Constitutional Amendment A.2  Carried

Vote on Const. Amendment A2, C1, Articles 6 & 7  Carried

Constitutional Amendment A3, (C8 – Section H) Article 14

Submitted by: Provincial Women’s Committee and Local 503
Constitutional Committee’s Recommendation: Defeat
Moved: J. Hagan, Const. Cte, L.561 / Seconded: S. Ambrose, Const.Cte, L. 736

Amend Article 14.6.1 as follows: (changes in bold)

Article 14.6.1 At each Regional election meeting in an election year, the delegates shall elect three persons to be Members of the Executive Board. At least one person per Region must be one who identifies as female. and In addition, delegates shall elect one person to be their alternate. Following the election of the three Board Members, there will be a subsequent election, in which the delegates will nominate from among the three elected Board Members a Regional Vice-President. Following election of the Regional Vice-President, there will be a subsequent election, in which the delegates will elect from among the remaining two Board Members an alternate Regional Vice-President. No person may hold more than one office on the Executive Board.

Moved: S. Wilson, L. 708 / Seconded: S. Bradshaw, L.708
Closure on Constitutional Amendment A.3  Carried

Vote on Const. Amendment A3, C8, Article 14  Defeated

Constitutional Amendment A4, (C4 – Section H) Article 10

Submitted by: Greater Toronto Area Council
Constitutional Committee’s Recommendation: Defeat
Moved: K. Steinbrunner, Const. Cte, L. 642 / Seconded: S. Valcourt, Const.Cte, L. 270

Amend Article 10.1 to read as follows: (changes in bold)

10.1   Affiliation of the Union, as a whole, and suspension and/or reduction of dues to any labour, fraternal, service or other organization may be decided only by a Convention. Any and all fees and dues payable directly as a result of any affiliation so decided shall be the responsibility of the Union.

Moved: R. Donchev, L. 559 / Seconded: J. Arscott, L.532
Closure on Constitutional Amendment A.4  Carried

Vote on Const. Amendment A4, C4, Article 10  Defeated

Solidarity Guests

Solidarity Guests were introduced:

  • Ruth Hamilton, A/President, Administrative Staff Union
  • Dave Bulmer, President, Association of Management, Administrative and Professional Crown Employees of Ontario (AMAPCEO)
  • Anthony Schein, Executive Assistant to President, Association of Management, Administrative and Professional Crown Employees of Ontario (AMAPCEO)
  • Earl Dumitru, President, Association of Law Officers of the Crown
  • Faiz Ahmed, Rajean Hailett, Alastair Woods, Canadian Federation of Students
  • Chris MacDonald, Assistant to the President, Canadian Labour Congress
  • Fred Hahn, President, Canadian Union of Public Employees – Ontario Division
  • Wynne Hartvikesen, Executive Assistant, Canadian Union of Public Employees – Ontario Division
  • Hilary Campbell, President, Education Resource Facilitators of Peel
  • Elisabeth Ballermann, President, Health Sciences Association of Alberta
  • Chris Buckley, President, Ontario Federation of Labour
  • Patty Coates, Secretary-Treasurer, Ontario Federation of Labour
  • Ahmad Gaied, Executive Vice-President, Ontario Federation of Labour
  • Shannon Devine, Executive Assistant, Ontario Federation of Labour
  • Mike Schreiner, Leader, Green Party of Ontario
  • Andrea Horwath, Leader, Ontario New Democratic Party
  • Rebecca Elming, Special Assistant to the Leader, NDP
  • Linda Haslam-Stroud, President, Ontario Nurses Association
  • Cameron Walker, President, Ontario Public Service Staff Union
  • Pati Habermann, 1st Vice-President, Ontario Public Service Staff Union
  • Sean McKenny, President, Ottawa & District Labour Council
  • Hiona Murray, Assistant, Professional Engineers Government of Ontario
  • Patrick Dillon, Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer, Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario
  • Richard Perron, President, Syndicat de Professionnelles et Professionels du Gouvernment du Quebec (SPGQ)
  • Marty Warren, Director District 6, Ontario and Atlantic Canada, United Steel Workers of America
  • Paul Elliott, President, Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation
  • Brian Tropea, General Manager, Ontario Horseman Association of Ontario
  • Ken Hardy, President, Ontario Horseman Association of Ontario
  • Gord Wilson, Ontario Federation of Labour
  • Gerard Hayes, Health Sciences Union, New South Wales
  • Janet Davis, Councillor Ward 31
  • Bill Kuehnbaum, OPSEU Appointed Pension Trustee
  • Hugh O’Reilly, President and CEO, OPSEU Pension Trust
  • Rosario Marchese, Ontario New Democratic Party

OPSEU Retired Staff (June 2015 to April 2016)

  • Roger Haley – Staff Rep
  • Margaret Baxter – Regional Office Secretary
  • Tracy Danbrook – Assistant to EA/Director of Staff
  • Janet Holowka – Staff Rep, Toronto
  • Gaston (Gus) Collins, Staff Rep, Orillia
  • James (Jim) Paul, Sr. Grievance Officer
  • Shirley Dinelle, Regional Office Secretary
  • Rupa Banerjee – Head Office Secretary
  • Judith Marion – Job Security Officer
  • Robert Field – Supervisor
  • Margaret Bruni – Regional Office Secretary
  • Pat Schillemore – Staff rep
  • Paul Gopal – File Clerk – Accounting
  • Nick DiSalle – Staff Rep

Deceased Retired Staff Members

Virgery Vanier, Staff rep
Deceased Staff Members
Tina Furman, Administrative Assistant, Head Office

Lunch Recess

Friday, April 15, 2016 – Afternoon Session

President Thomas called the Convention to order at 1:45 p.m.

Credentials Committee Report

Moved:  J. Dixon, Cred. Ctte., L.248 / Seconded:  C. Whipple, Cred.Ctte., L.614

Adoption of Credentials Committee Report as of 1:45 p.m.

Delegates                 945
Alternates                 504
Observers                 216
Retirees                        7
EBMs                          19
Committees                 53
Solidarity Guests         34
Guests                           5
Total                        1,783

Vote on Adoption of Credentials Report  Carried

Orders of the Day –  Award Presentation

Stanley H. Knowles Humanitarian Award

Recipient: Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders

OPSEU is pleased to present the Stanley H. Knowles Humanitarian Award to Doctors Without Borders.

President Thomas introduced Jonathan Jennings, Deputy Director of Doctors Without Borders, Canada, who accepted this award.

Doctors Without Borders is the world’s largest independent medical relief organization. For more than 40 years, they have providing medical assistance to people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters, disease epidemics, malnutrition crises and other emergencies. By providing this assistance, they act as witnesses and at times speak out in public about the suffering of the people they assist.

Jonathan Jennings spoke.

1st Vice President / Treasurer Eduardo Almeida in Chair


Staff were asked to collect for donations. OPSEU will match collection up to a $5,000 maximum. Money collected will be distributed to various causes after appeals are reviewed by the Executive Committee.

Social Mapping Project

Deb Tungatt, EBM Region 2, gave update. Video played. Asked for survey to be completed.

Equity Update

An update was given by Dan Brisson on the work of the Equity Committees. Video played.

Constitution Committee, Continues

Constitutional Amendment A5, (C6 – Section H) Articles 14 and 29

Submitted by: Local 244
Constitutional Committee’s Recommendation: Defeat
Moved: R. Ferguson, Const. Cte, L. 494 / Seconded: T. Hannah, Const.Cte, L. 308

Amend Article 14.6.2 to read as follows: (changes in bold)

14.6.2 Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. To be elected to any office except steward elections by ballot, which can be conducted by plurality, a candidate must obtain a majority, which is more than 50 percent of the valid ballots cast. If no candidate, or an insufficient number of candidates, receives a majority of votes, a run-off election will be held from which any candidate who has obtained a majority, and the candidate who received the fewest votes, and any other candidate who voluntarily withdraws, will be eliminated. The process will be repeated until the required number of candidates has been elected.

Amend Article 29.1.5 as follows: (changes in bold)

29.1.5 All elections of Stewards and Local Executive Committees shall be based on the principle of winning a clear majority, with run-off ballots, if necessary.

Amend Article 29.7.3 as follows: (changes in bold)

29.7.3 Locals shall follow the Rules of Order laid down in Article 13.11, the necessary changes being made, and shall otherwise be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order except That steward elections when done by ballot shall be determined by plurality.

Moved: J. Wilson, L.415 / Seconded: D. Haley, L.415
To send back to the Committee to replace the word “plurality” with “ranked balloting”

Vote on Referral back to Committee  Carried

Constitutional Amendment A6, (C7 – Section H) Article 14

Submitted by: Provincial Women’s Committee, Local 503 and the Greater Toronto Area Council
Constitutional Committee’s Recommendation: Defeat
Moved: N. Binck, Const. Cte, L. 137 / Seconded: T. Hannah, Const.Cte, L. 308

Add a new Article 14.1.2 to read as follows: (changes in bold)

14.1.2 Two additional Members shall be selected as equity seats by the Equity Caucus and committee members at their gathering in each year preceding elections as specified in Article 14.1.1. The first such selection shall take place in 2017.

Renumber Articles as follows and amend Article 14.1.3: (changes in bold)

14.1.3 A Member of the Board may be removed from the Board only by a properly convened meeting of the delegates in his/her Region or gathering as it relates to Article 14.1.2.

14.1.4 The President or First Vice- President/Treasurer may be removed from office, but not from the Board, only by delegates in a regular or special Convention.

Moved: P. Beaumont, L. 309 / Seconded: J. Nealon, L. 309
Closure on Constitutional Amendment A.6 – Carried

Vote on Const. Amendment A6, C7, Article 14  Defeated

Orders of the Day – Awards Presentation

Human Rights Award – Outstanding Individual

Recipient: Sandra Snider, Local 736

Sandra has been an activist in Region 7 for many years. She has served two terms on both the Executive Board and the Provincial Women’s Committee.

Sandra is a founding board member for the Kinderplace Daycare Centre at Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital; served as a member of the Thunder Bay Learning Disability Association and Lakehead District School Board’s Special Education Advisory Committee; was instrumental in getting a $14 an hour minimum wage policy as part of the Bay Credit Union’s Board and Social Justice Committee; helped implement a scent free policy as President of her local.

Tim Brown Award

Recipient: Theresa O’Connor, L.266

This award is given out yearly to recognize a member who excels at “advancing the voice of Aboriginal people in OPSEU and in the labour movement”.

Theresa O’Connor has: been active in representing region 2 reps for the Aboriginal Circle; represented women on the Great Lakes Métis Council and is part of the Metis Nation of Ontario; served as Director on the Board of the M’Wikwedong Native Cultural Resource Centre; developed the course, Aboriginal Journey as part of the Aboriginal Circle; actively participated in Region 2 Equity Conferences.

CAAT Support Divex Scholarship Poetry Reading

Poetry contest winner: Erin Hogan

The Division put out notices through their locals to solicit submissions for scholarships. Students were asked to write about precarious work, through an essay, poem, song or video.

Erin read her poem, “Precarious Work”

President Thomas back in Chair

Withering Trillium Award

Recipient: Kathleen Wynne

Once again, Kathleen Wynne was the recipient of this award. Played video.

Rainford Jackson Education and Development Fund Award

Recipient:  Justice for Migrant Workers

Justice for Migrant Workers is a grassroots advocacy group composed of migrant workers and allies who fight for the interests of workers in Canada’s temporary foreign workers program. They educate and organize workers. This advocacy group aims to reduce the racism That migrant workers often face in Canada.

Resolutions Committee: L17 – Budget, Section G

Submitted by: Local 586
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  FOR
Moved: K. Clark, Res. Ctte. L. 212, / Seconded: G. Franche, Res. Ctte. L.130

Whereas OPSEU members, like all public sector workers in Ontario, continue

to face a concerted attack on our jobs, wages, benefits and the public services we provide as part of the employer’s agenda of austerity and privatization; and

Whereas a key part of the employers’ strategy- and one That affects every OPSEU member- is to attack our collective agreement, including our wages, benefit working condition and protections against layoff, contracting out and privatization; and

Whereas one of the cornerstones of fighting austerity measures is building powerful bargaining campaigns to give our teams the leverage to negotiate strong collective agreement, using measures up to and including strike action; and

Whereas effective mobilizing depends on members’ active support for the campaign, including possible strike action, if required; and

Whereas member support for an effective strike may be undercut by financial pressure and the risk of genuine financial hardship; and

Whereas strike pay is designed to help maintain member’s support and sustain effective strike action, where necessary, by providing financial assistance to members who perform strike duties; and

Whereas OPSEU has not increased strike pay since 2010;

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU’s strike policy be amended to increase strike pay as follows:

Increase strike pay in weeks 1 to 3 of the strike to $35 per day/$175 per week (up from the current rate of $30 per day/ $150 per week)

Increase strike pay starting in week 4 to $56 per day/ $280 per week (up from the current rate of $48 per day/ $240 per week)

Moved: M. Martin, L. 557 / Seconded: M. Carter, L.557

Amendment to Resolution B17

Increase strike pay in weeks 1 to 3 of the strike to $40 per day/$200 per week (up from the current rate of $30 per day/ $150 per week)

Increase strike pay starting in week 4 to $60 per day/ $300 per week (up from the current rate of $48 per day/ $240 per week)

Moved: R. LePage, L.329 / Seconded: P. Parent, L.329

Amendment to Amendment on Resolution B17

Increase strike pay starting in week 1 to $60 per day/ $300 per week (up from the current rate of $48 per day/ $240 per week)

Moved: P. Beaumont, L. 309 / Seconded: J. Nealson, L. 309
Closure on Amendment to Amendment  Carried

Vote on amendment to amendment to start in week 1 to $60/day   Defeated

Moved: S. Wilson, L. 708 / Seconded: M. Lundy, L.737
Closure on amendment  Carried

Vote on amendment to increase strike pay starting in week 4 to

$60 per day/$300 per week  Carried

Moved: S. Wilson, L. 708 / Seconded: S. Bradshaw, L. 708
Closure on resolution B17 as amended – Carried

Increase strike pay in weeks 1 to 3 of the strike to $40 per day/$200 per week (up from the current rate of $30 per day/ $150 per week)

Increase strike pay starting in week 4 to $60 per day/ $300 per week (up from the current rate of $48 per day/ $240 per week)

Vote on Resolution B17 as amended  Carried

Resolutions Committee: B5 – Budget, Section G

Submitted by: Local 614, Provincial Human Rights Committee, Sudbury Area Council, Provincial Women’s Committee, Greater Toronto Area Council, Provincial Young Worker’s Committee, Thunder Bay and District Area Council and Aboriginal Circle

Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  FOR

Moved: M. Franche, Res. Ctte. L. 130, / Seconded: E. Bagnall, Res. Ctte. L.362

Whereas OPSEU has been a significant proponent of fair wages and currently endorsing significant improvements to child and dependent care; and

Whereas Ontario is currently one of the most expensive provinces for maintaining a family; and

Whereas the current rate is $4.80 with a max of $24 per week (section 25.2, Article 5.3.1 of policy manual); and

Whereas strike pay and dependent pay has not been looked at since May 5, 2010; and

Whereas the cost of living for all Ontario residents has increased dramatically in this time period;

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU adjust dependent strike pay to be $6 / day up to a total of $30 per week; and

Be it further resolved That implementation of these measures be initiated January 1, 2017

Moved: T. Elphick, L. 225 / Seconded: S. Valcourt, L. 270

Amendment to Resolution B5

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU adjust dependent strike pay to be $10 / day up to a total of $50 per week;  

Moved: S. Wilson, L. 708 / Seconded: M. Lundy, L.737
Closure on Amendment  Carried

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU adjust dependent strike pay to be $10 / day up to a total of $50 per week;  

Vote on amendment to B5  Carried

Moved: L. Fasciano, L. 673 / Seconded: L. Eason, L. 613

Amendment to Resolution B5

Be it further resolved That implementation of these measures be initiated January 1, 2017 (strike 2nd resolve)

Vote on amendment to B5 Carried

No speakers

Vote on Resolution B5 as amended  Carried

President Thomas announced That $6,365.25 had been collected from the floor. In addition, $800 in cheques were received for Doctors Without Borders.

Cathy Henry, L.546, was the winner of the draw for the large screen TV from CG&B

Resolutions Committee: EB14 – Executive Board (handout)

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  FOR
Moved: G. Franche Res. Ctte. L. 130, / Seconded: E. Bagnall, Res. Ctte. L.362

Attawapiskat First Nations

Whereas the leaders of the Attawapiskat First Nations, an isolated Cree community in northern Ontario, Canada, have recently declared a state of emergency over a series of suicide attempts That included 11 attempts on the evening of April 9, 2016; and

Whereas this latest state of emergency is part of a “suicide pandemic” affecting Northern Indigenous communities for the past few years; and

Whereas in 2013, the Mushkegowuk Council established a People's Inquiry to explore the roots of the suicide crisis and the final report released in January 2016 pointed to the history of residential schools, the loss of language and culture, and substance abuse as factors leading to suicide; and

Whereas the Truth and Reconciliation Report Executive Summary released in June 2015 identified the legacy of the Canadian residential school system as “cultural genocide” and made 94 recommendations to redress this legacy; and

Whereas OPSEU recognizes That true reconciliation with indigenous communities requires a national strategy That uproots the systemic causes of poverty and hopelessness; and

Whereas OPSEU has supported actions for justice for Indigenous communities, and Attawapiskat in particular;

Therefore Be it resolved that the Executive approve That OPSEU supports the Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day`s call for a national strategy to fight the suicide epidemic affecting First Nations communities; and

Be it further resolved That OPSEU, in conjunction with the OPSEU Aboriginal Circle, partner with Northern Indigenous communities to address poverty, inequality, and other systemic causes of hopelessness That fuel the latest suicide epidemic and to monitor the federal government`s implementation of the 94 recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Report.

Moved: R. Donchev, L. 559 / Seconded: J. Sikora, L. 586

Closure on Resolution EB14  Carried

Vote on Resolution EB14  Carried

Swore in Sister Laurie Nancekivell, New EBM Region 1

Convention adjourned at 4:26 p.m.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

President Thomas called the Convention to order at 9:25 p.m.

Credentials Committee Report

Moved:  C. Whipple, Cred. Ctte., L.614 / Seconded:  W. Carson, Cred.Ctte., L.369

Adoption of Credentials Committee Report as of 9:32 a.m.

Delegates                 949
Alternates                 506
Observers                225
Retirees                       7
EBMs                         20
Committees               53
Solidarity Guests       34
Guests                         6
Total                      1,800

Vote on Adoption of Credentials Report  Carried

Resolutions Committee: L11 – Lobby/Campaigns, Section G

Submitted by: Local 614, Retiree’s Division, Sudbury Area Council
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  FOR
Moved: G. Franche Res. Ctte. L. 130, / Seconded: E. Bagnall, Res. Ctte. L.362

Whereas privatization in Ontario is detrimental to the Public Service; and

Whereas it is imperative, That OPSEU fights privatization and private public partnership in every way possible;

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU/NUPGE will lobby all levels of governments to follow a five-step process before considering privatization of public services;

A public service will not be privatized or contracted to the private sector without public consultation and without demonstrable evidence That privatization will lead to improved services.

A decision to privatize or contract out a service will not be made without a full and open review by an independent and mutually agreed upon Review Agency or individual, who will ensure full cost/benefit analyses and comprehensive social and economic impact studies are conducted.

Public sector workers, their representatives and other interested parties shall have standing in the review process.

The reviewing agency or individual will issue a final report and recommendation and will table the report and all studies or analyses to the appropriate government.

In the event That a specific privatization is recommended and found to be in the best interest of citizens, employees will have the ability to move to the new employer with all existing rights, benefits and entitlements.

Moved: B. Surette, L. 281 / Seconded: A. Glover, L. 281

Amendment to Resolution L11

Referred back to the Committee with instructions to add the following section and report back immediately: That only Canadian companies would be considered if they meet the criteria above

Vote on referral with instructions  Defeated

Vote on Amendment to Resolution L11 Defeated

Moved: M. Sharp, Retiree, Reg 1 / Seconded: L. Elliot, L.102

Amendment to Resolution L11

Referred back to the Committee with instructions to report back immediately to take out the “ability” and add the “right” under successor rights in Section v.

Vote on referral with instructions  Defeated

Vote on Amendment to Resolution L11 Defeated

Moved: P. Beaumont, L. 309 / Seconded: J. Nealon, L.309
Closure on Resolution L11 – Carried

Vote on Resolution L11  Defeated

Resolutions Committee:  M12 – Membership Activities, Section G

Submitted by: Local 527
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  FOR
Moved: G. Franche Res. Ctte. L. 130, / Seconded: E. Bagnall, Res. Ctte. L.362

Whereas OPSEU Executive Board approved a 2012 Convention Resolution to explore options for secure electronic voting and report to its locals; and

Whereas electronic voting and polling of members supports democracy within OPSEU and can increase participation by members;

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU will research ways to implement electronic voting and polling of members for its bargaining unit while ensuring privacy and integrity of members’ identification, review existing bargaining unit policies That may need revision as part of this work, and will report back to locals and convention in one year on its finding.

Moved: F. Yee, L. 560 / Seconded: J. Singer, L. 560

Closure on Resolution M12- Carried

Vote on Resolution M12 Carried

Resolutions Committee:  EB2 – Executive Board, Section G

Submitted by: Executive Board
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  FOR

Moved: E. Bagnall, Res. Ctte. L. 362, / Seconded: D. O’Grady, Res. Ctte. L.456

Addressing the crisis in Corrections

Whereas the Ontario Liberal government has jeopardized the health, safety and security of more than 6,000 frontline correctional workers by failing to a) hire enough staff to properly run the province’s correctional facilities; and b) prevent prohibited weapons from entering probation and parole offices; and

Whereas correctional facilities are overcrowded, to the point where cells built for one may now house two, three, or even four inmates, thereby putting the mental and physical health of inmates and staff at greater risk; and

Whereas probation and parole officers have the highest caseloads per officer of any province in Canada and recidivism is on the rise; and

Whereas community supports for individuals with mental health and addictions issues are inadequate, so That Ontario’s correctional system has become the mental health system of last resort, further adding to jail overcrowding; and

Whereas the government of Ontario has used public-private, partnerships to build new correctional facilities That profit developers but have proved to be defective, poorly designed and more costly to taxpayers than facilities built by the public sector;

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU continues to demand That the Ontario Liberal government address the Crisis in Corrections, and That the government:

immediately inject at least $100 million in new funding into correctional services;
immediately train and hire at least 800 correctional officers and ensure That future vacancies are filled without delay;
train 200 probation and parole officers;
equip all probation and parole offices with necessary security measurers eg. metal detectors and secure interview rooms;
increase funding to supports for individuals with mental health and addictions issues; and
increase funding for mental health and addiction services in the community and for individuals in the criminal justice system.

Moved: D. Wakely, L.277 / C. Murray, L.277

Closure on Resolution EB2  Carried

Vote on Resolution EB2  Carried

Resolutions Committee:  B6 – Budget, Section G

Submitted by: L. 586, L.614, L.503, L.112, Sudbury Area Council, Provincial Women’s Committee, Provincial Young Worker’s Committee, London & District Area Council and the Aboriginal Circle
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  FOR
Moved: E. Bagnall, Res. Ctte. L. 362, / Seconded: D. O’Grady, Res. Ctte. L.456

Whereas OPSEU currently reimburses dependent care at a rate of $6.00 an hour to a maximum of $112.00 for 24 hours, or a rate of $4.67 per hour; and

Whereas OPSEU has endorsed and actively participated in the $15 and fairness campaign to raise the minimum wage; and

Whereas historically childcare workers have been underpaid because childcare roles have been primarily filled by women as it is a female identified job That requires a pay equity plan; and

Whereas even the premier of Ontario, as of January 19, 2015, has increased the wage of childcare workers; and

Whereas there has not been an increase in OPSEU, childcare rates SINCE 2004

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU raises the rate of reimbursement for family care (child/elder/dependent) by $2 per hour to a maximum of $136.00 in 24 hours

Moved: E. Strachan, EBM, Reg 5 / Seconded: M. Martin, L.557

Amendment to Resolution B6

To refer back to the Committee with instructions to report back immediately – to raise the rate of reimbursement for family care (child/elder/dependent) to $10/hour

Moved: S. Snider, L. 736 / Seconded: M. Pearson, L.735

Amendment to Amendment on Resolution B6

To refer back to the Committee with instructions to report back immediately – to amend the maximum to $160.00 in 24 hours

Vote on referral with instructions  Carried

Committee recommends FOR

Vote on Amendment to Amendment  Carried

Moved: O.Obaji, L. 446 / Seconded: J. Hanson, L.416

Closure on Resolution B6  Carried

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU raises the rate of reimbursement for family care (child/elder/dependent) to $10/ per hour to a maximum of $160.00 in 24 hours

Vote on Resolution B6 as amended  Carried

Resolutions Committee: D1 – Dues Rebate, Section G

Submitted by: L. 368
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  AGAINST
Moved: E. Bagnall, Res. Ctte. L. 362, / Seconded: D. O’Grady, Res. Ctte. L.456

Whereas OPSEU collects dues from all members on their basic salary; and

Whereas not all OPSEU members have the ability to work overtime;

Therefore Be it resolved that Section 6 of OPSEU Policy “Dues Structure” be revised to remove “overtime” from dues collection.

Moved: P. Beaumont, L. 309 / Seconded: J. Nealon, L. 309
Closure on Resolution D1 – Carried

Vote on Resolution D1 Defeated

Raffle Results

32” Samsung TV – Robin DeCarlo, L.620
Samsung Galaxy Wi-Fi Camera – Jackie Evans – staff
$500 travel credit Via Rail – Nancy Coakley – staff
45” Sharp TV – from CG&B Group – Jim Pallot, L. 605
Samsung Galaxy View – Mary Lou McCartney – staff

Orders of the Day
Awards Presentation
Honorary Lifetime Membership Award

Recipients: David Rapaport, L. 503, Jeannie Eberle, L.468, Peter Wall, L. 638

David Rapaport

David has been an OPSEU activist for more than 25 years. Some of his achievements are: part of the OPSEU committee That successfully negotiated with the NDP government in 1993 to establish the right to strike for our members in the OPS; Region 5 lead in 1996 Toronto Days of Action; written a book, No Justice, No Peace; served at Trustee, Vice-Chair and Chair of the OPSEU Pension Trust Board of Trustees; outside of OPSEU he is a member of the executive of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council and the Toronto Executive of the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada. He is currently a member of CUPE at Trent University.

Jeannie Eberle

Jeannie is a long time labour and social justice activist. She is a constant presence at community meetings in the Kingston area. As well as being a long standing member of the Kingston Area Council Executive, she is an executive member of the Kingston District Labour Council and the chair of the Region 4 Retirees Division. She has been a pillar of the labour movement for a long time and remains one of the most integral parts of the regions activist base.

Peter Wall

Peter is a long time union activist, Executive Board member (8 years) and local president. He has been very active in the Northern region and supported all sectors. Peter has worked for the Ministry of Natural Resources in Northern Ontario and spent 10 years on the Ministry’s MERC. He has made it his responsibility to protect not only the lands of the North, but also his fellow workers.

Ron Elliot

Ron has resigned his position from the Board to become a member of the OPSEU Staff as the Administrator of Local Services. He is one of the longest serving board members in OPSEU history (1993 to Feb 2016). Some of his achievements are: Chair of the OPS bargaining team for several terms; one of the most effective activists working on the front lines; under his leadership, Region 1 was the first region to have a human rights forum; spent many years on  Pension Liaison Committee.

CAAT S Raffle

$3,007 was raised. President Thomas committed to e-poll Executive Board, to match this amount. He also committed to do an e-poll on the resolution from the floor That the Committee did not accept as an emergency resolution (That OPSEU donate $5,000 to Shoal Lake #40 to enable them to purchase bottled water.

Resolutions Committee:  B16 – Budget, Section G

Submitted by: The Thunder Bay and District Area Council
Resolutions Committee’s Recommendation:  FOR
Moved: D. O’Grady, Res. Ctte. L. 456, / Seconded: R. Lavigne, Res. Ctte. L.633

Whereas for planning, preparation and implementation of all conferences, training and other activities within OPSEU, we identify the need for a fourth Education Officer position, designated full-time bilingual (English/French); and

Whereas OPSEU considers itself a bilingual (English/French) union; and

Whereas OPSEU is committed to providing bilingual (English/French) services;

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU hires a full-time bilingual (English/French) Education Officer when the next vacancy occurs in the department

Moved: J. Miller, L. 503 / Seconded: D. Brisson, L. 672

Amendment to Resolution B16

Refer back to the committee with instructions to return immediately – to remove “when the next vacancy occurs”

Vote on referral with instructions  Carried

Committee recommends AGAINST

Moved: O. Obaji, L. 446 / Seconded: J. Hanson, L. 416
Closure on Amendment to Resolution B16 – Carried

Moved: B. Kowalski, L. 446 / Seconded: O.Obaji, L. 446
Closure on Resolution B16 as amended  Carried

Therefore Be it resolved that OPSEU hires a full-time bilingual (English/French) Education Officer when the next vacancy occurs in the department

Vote on Resolution B16 as amended  Carried

Orders of the Day

President Smokey Thomas declared Convention adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

President Thomas thanked everyone for a great Convention and bid them a safe trip home.

As per OPSEU policy, in the event there are resolutions outstanding from Convention, the Resolutions Committee shall be reconvened to make recommendations on the disposition of these; and the Chair of the Committee shall present these to the Executive Board for action at the second meeting of the Board following Convention.

Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President
Ontario Public Service Employees Union            

Sherry Bader, Recording Secretary
Ontario Public Service Employees Union