On behalf of the Child Treatment Sector Executive, I would like to welcome you to your Sector website which we hope will provide you with information and resources to support your work as members of the Sector.
We currently have 27 units in the Sector who share a common commitment of working with children and their families who are experiencing some form of distress in their lives. We can be found working in group homes, day treatment programs, schools, crisis centres/response teams, resource centres and residential treatment facilities to name a few. As workers, we know the value of working on teams, sharing resources and areas of expertise in meeting the needs of the people we serve.
As a Sector Executive, we have made a commitment to work with you in being recognized and valued for the important work we do. We would like to envision ourselves as a ‘team’ within OPSEU who has valuable information to share when it comes to Negotiating fair contracts and addressing issues that are common in our daily work lives.
So, get involved in your Sector! Contact any of the Executive Members listed on the website with your ideas, questions, concerns and inspiring stories! Contact your Sector Negotiators to find out what is going on Provincially within the Sector. Come out to the BPS Conference. Think about running for a position on the Executive.
Collective ideas and voices will benefit us all. We look forward to working with you in ensuring that our voices are heard so that Children’s Mental Health Services is given the recognition it deserves!
In Solidarity,
Deborah Gordon
CTS Chair