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OPSEU Supports Provincewide Raise the Rates Campaign

OPSEU Supports Provincewide Raise the Rates Campaign


OPSEU has endorsed the provincewide "Raise the Rates" Campaign and is encouraging its members to support a series rallies, meetings and events being held in Ontario communities as part of the Raise the Rates Week Of Action from October 12 to 20.

Raise the Rates is a province-wide community-based campaign that is mobilizing to raise benefit rates under Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) so that recipients are not forced to live in poverty or chose between paying the rent and buying food for themselves or their children.

Raise the Rates also opposes proposals currently being considered by the Government of Ontario that would merge ODSP with OW and download delivery of ODSP from the provincial government to municipalities.

OPSEU has identified these proposed changes as a direct threat to the already inadequate social assistance benefits provided to the more than 400,000 Ontarians who depend on ODSP. These changes would also severely disrupt services to ODSP clients and threaten the jobs of the 1,800 OPSEU members in Ontario"s Public Service who deliver ODSP in communities across Ontario.

Raise the Rates is an activist, grass-roots campaign that has been endorsed by more than 60 labour, anti-poverty, disability rights and social justice organizations, and has organized events, protests, rallies and demonstrations in communities across Ontario.

Raise The Rates Ontario Week of Action: Events – October 12-20

The Raise the Rates Campaign is holding a week of action to fight the attack on ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program) and demand living income for all in this Province. We will challenge plans to merge Ontario Works and ODSP and demand real action on poverty from the Wynne Government. We will be demanding restoration of the Community Start Up and Maintenance Benefit, supporting the right of First Nations Communities to control delivery of social assistance programs and calling for the raising of the minimum wage in Ontario to $14 an hour and social assistance rates by at least 55%. Actions will be held across the Ontario throughout the week, and uniting for Provincial convergence Saturday, October 19th in Sudbury.

Key events:


1) Raise the Rates Rally at Ontario Ministry of Finance
When: Thursday, October 17 at 12 Noon
Where: Corner of College and University, Toronto

2) Get on the Bus: Provincewide Raise the Rates Convergence & Rally in Sudbury!
When: Saturday, October 19
Where: Bus leaves downtown Toronto at 8:30am, returning the same day.
To register for a seat contact:  [email protected] or 416-925-6939


1) "Thanksgiving" March to Raise the Minimum Wage
When: Monday, October 14th at 12 Noon
Where: McDonald"s, 960 Notre Dame Ave, with a March to Tim Horton"s downtown

2) Free Meal and Anti-Poverty March to Restore the CSUMB
When: Friday, October 18th, 2 p.m.
Where: Memorial Park

3) Raise the Rates Provincewide Convergence, Rally & March
When: Saturday, October 19th at 2 p.m.
Where: Sudbury Secondary School, Sheridan Auditorium, 154 College Street


1) Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage — Community Meal & Rally
When: Monday, October 14th at 5:30 p.m.
Where: Kitchener City Hall Court Yard Endorsed by the Waterloo Region Labour Council

2) K-W"s Main Event: Community Meal & March
Stop the OW/OSDP merger, restore the CSUMB and Special Diet Allowance, Raise the Rates!
When: Tuesday, October 145h at 3:30 p.m. Where: OW Office and Regional Health Building; 99 Regina St., Waterloo

3) Get on the Bus: Provincewide Raise the Rates Convergence & Rally in Sudbury!
When: Saturday, October 19
Where: Bus leaves downtown Kitchener – Duke St, behind City Hall – at 9 a.m, returning the same day To reserve your seat contact: [email protected]


1) Raise the Rates Rally and Meal
Wednesday, October 16th: 12noon
Where: Ontario Works Office, 382 Montreal St.

2) Get on the Bus: Provincewide Raise the Rates Convergence & Rally in Sudbury!
When: Saturday, October 19, returning the same day
For more info and to reserve your seat contact: [email protected]


1) Get on the Bus: Provincewide Raise the Rates Convergence & Rally in Sudbury!
When: Saturday, October 19, returning the same day
For more info and to reserve your seat contact: [email protected]


1) Raise the Rates Press Conference
When: Thursday, October 17th at 2pm,
Where: Room 321 Fleming Building, 1005 Elgin St. West, Cobourg