OPSEU currently represents members in 21 different municipal groups across the province.
Your Sector Executive
Tara Langford CHAIR – Local 435, Corporation of the County of Lanark
Peter Pautler VICE-CHAIR – Local 259, Grand River Conservation Authority
Duane Ebbers SECRETARY – Local 496, Corporation of the County of Hastings
Pam Schmidt TREASURER – Local 496, Corporation of the County of Hastings
Tom Young COMMUNICATIONS – Local 305, Corporation of the Town of Bracebridge
Sector 13 – Municipalities was formed around 1990. The Executive meet every 3 months, usually in conjunction with the All Chairs Meetings in order to discuss issues that may arise from those meetings.
At our Executive meetings we discuss a variety of issues, such as the day to day operation of the sector and developing and maintaining communications with the various locals in the Sector. The main objective of the sector is to achieve sectoral and coordinated bargaining, which means having all locals within the Sector bargaining at the same time with a standard Collective Agreement format. We also try to arrange relevant training for the members that belong to our Sector.
Local 217, Niagara Parks Commission