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Long Term Care Facilities: Who we are and what we do

Long Term Care Facilities: Who we are and what we do


The Long Term Care Facilities (LTC) Division includes OPSEU members employed in long term care, retirement homes, and related facilities under the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

The Division covers 28 Locals, which includes 36 bargaining units, across Ontario.

Aims and Purposes:

  • to develop and promote aspects of Sector / Divisional bargaining;
  • to coordinate Union activities on a Sectoral / Divisional basis in such matters as political action, social concerns, public relations, professional issues and educational development;
  • to promote and advocate justice, equality and efficiency in services to the public;
  • to bring together members from the Long Term Care Sector / Division to discuss matters of common interest and formulate policies and positions on matters of concern to our members and promote them within the union;
  • to advance the common interest of members of Long Term Care Sector / Division, whenever possible, by all appropriate means;
  • to participate in and promote the objectives of the BPS and other Union groups;
  • to participate with other unions to promote and support aims, purposes and goals of the labour movement.