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Case Notes:Funding Crisis in Child Treatment and CAS

Case Notes:Funding Crisis in Child Treatment and CAS


November 17, 2009 

The provincial government’s refusal to sufficiently fund children’s aid and children’s mental health services has created a crisis and at-risk children and youth are paying the price. The risk is escalating. The lack of early intervention causes problems to escalate within the family and their impacts to be felt beyond into the community. Children are suffering and some may even die, unless the government provides the necessary funds to enable local agencies to ensure provision of mandated protection and prevention services for at-risk children and families, and much-needed children’s mental health programs.

Call for Action

Members are urged to bring awareness to National Child Day.

Help to spread the word. Distribute the November 20th message bookmark widely in your community. Maybe have your local host a community walk, contact the local media, or set up tables in your neighbourhood mall.

Toolkits will be sent to the highest ranking member in your unit.

Spread the word – before it’s too late!

“Stand Up!” against bullying

This year marks the 7th anniversary of this campaign. As CAS workers we should support this cause by wearing a pink t-shirt in the workplace during the week of November 15-21, 2009.

The slogan this year is “Stand Up!”

April 14, 2010 is Pink Shirt day.

Your sector executive have an assortment of anti-bullying t-shirts, and will have them available for purchase at this year’s BPS Conference. Local presidents are able to order t-shirts and have them shipped to their regional office in advance of the Conference. The cost of the t-shirts can be deducted from local rebate cheques.

It’s all about YOU!

The OPSEU Census is the first of its kind for our union and any union in the country.

The project reflects OPSEU’s goal of being the union of choice for the workforce of the future – a union that values its members and staff because of their diverse backgrounds.

With the census, thousands of OPSEU members and staff have the ability to stand up, be counted and help chart the course of OPSEU’s future.

The census is the key to helping build a fully inclusive union and you are the key to the success of the OPSEU Census. But OPSEU can’t win it unless you’re in it. So join with your fellow members and colleagues by saying:

Count Me In!

BPS Conference:

November 26, 27, 28, 20

You should have received your call package by now. If you have not, the forms can all be found on the OPSEU website.

Come out and meet your executive! Hear about our last two years in office and our exciting plans for the next two years. We have planned an informative educational for Friday afternoon in keeping with the DNA (Developing, Networking, Advocating) theme of this year’s conference..

Join us as we learn more about our membership.

Trivial Pursuit Challenge

When: November 27, 2009 8 pm.
Where: TBA (BPS Conference)

Come out and be part of the CAS team.

Currently the OPSEU staff hold the trophy.

Help us bring the trophy back HOME!!

In Solidarity:
Rick Pybus, Chair
Jane Kaija, Vice-Chair
Sue Corlett
Johanne Wyss-Huskinson

CASe Notes is authorized for distribution by: Warren (Smokey) Thomas , OPSEU President

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