OPSEU College Support/Soutien. College Support Full-Time.

CAAT Support Bargaining 2011 Bulletins and Issue Sheets

CAAT Support Bargaining 2011 Bulletins and Issue Sheets


2011 Bargaining Bulletins

Bargaining team goes to the brink

August 15, 2011 
Frustrated by management’s refusal to respond to the demands of CAAT-S members, the bargaining team came very close to walking away from contract talks last week

Management stalls at bargaining table

July 28, 2011 
Despite the presence of a Ministry of Labour conciliator, management for the Colleges is making almost no effort to negotiate seriously.

Outstanding Support!

July 15, 2011
There are serious shortcomings in management’s contract proposals. Now that we’ve successfully achieved a strong strike mandate the tough work begins in earnest. Between now and Aug. 31 we need to show management that we’re ready for any outcome. Get involved today!

Stand up and be counted!

June 22, 2011 
There are serious shortcomings in management’s contract proposals. More than ever, your bargaining team will be looking for a strong strike mandate

Analyzing management’s contract offer

June 16, 2011.
Your bargaining team has taken a close look at management’s contract proposals and concludes it falls well short of our expectations 

Bargaining team calls for 100% strike mandate! 

June 8, 2011
Read the latest CAAT Support Bargaining Bulletin for the full story behind the decision to ask the membership for a strike mandate

What’s happening to the colleges?

May 31, 2011
CAAT Support Bargaining Bulletin #2.  Despite assurances made three years ago, 18 of the 24 colleges have refused to grant time off for CAAT Support mobilizers.  For more information, read the latest bargaining bulletin

A new round of bargaining begins

May 10, 2011
It doesn"t seem that long ago that we completed our last round of negotiations. But here we are about to start our next round of bargaining

2011 Bargaining Issue Sheets

Stand up and be counted!

July 12, 2011
Issue Sheet 6 On Thursday July 14 support your bargaining team and send a loud and clear message to management by voting Yes to a strong strike mandate

Red Tuesday!

July 8, 2011
Issue Sheet 5 In a demonstration of strength and solidarity in advance of the July 14 strike vote, all CAAT-S bargaining unit members are urged to wear red clothing to work on Tuesday July 12

Our jobs are not a fairy tale

July 6, 2011
Issue Sheet 4 Management’s contract proposals are straight out of fairyland. Nothing seems real. It’s time that management got serious about bargaining. They will if we give our bargaining team a strong strike mandate on July 14

Our security is job security

July 5, 2011
Issue Sheet 3 Give your bargaining team a firm bargaining hand on issues of job security by voting for a strong strike mandate on July 14

It"s Wake up Time for College Management!

June 29, 2011
Issue Sheet 2 The CAAT Support bargaining team Issue sheet #2 is out. This issue calls on members to Vote Yes for a better contract on July 14.

Vote Yes on July 14 for a strong strike mandate!

June 29, 2011
Issue Sheet 1 The CAAT Support bargaining team is sending out Issue sheets for all members in 24 colleges. The first issue calls on members to Vote Yes for Job Security