About the Mental Health Division

About the Mental Health Division


Who we are / What we do

The Mental Health Division was founded on November 4, 2001 to provide a strong, cohesive voice within the Union to promote mental health issues. We represent 6,000 members in public hospitals that were formerly Provincial Psychiatric Hospitals, the one remaining Provincial Psychiatric Hospital and community mental health agencies. 

Aims and Purposes

  • to coordinate Union activities on a divisional basis in such matters as political action, social concerns, education and public relations;
  • to promote justice, equality and efficiency in mental health services to the public;
  • to bring together Division members to discuss matters of common interest and formulate policies and positions on mental health issues and promote them within the Union;
  • to advance the common interests of Division members, wherever possible, by all appropriate means;
  • to develop recommendations and strategies to guide Member Locals and Member Units in collective bargaining;
  • to advance the aims, purposes and goals of the Division within the Union;
  • to participate with other member Divisions in the Health Care Divisional Council and its activities.