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Pension & Benefits unit staff help members with pension issues such as understanding how their pension benefit is calculated, what the features of their plan are, how their plan is governed, and how contribution amounts are arrived at. They can also assist with any pension issues that members are unable to resolve on their own.

Unit staff also act as a resource to bargaining teams where pensions are negotiable and may also sit on the Board of Trustees or Sponsors Committee of some pension plans as required.

OPSEU is a sponsor of several jointly sponsored pension plans.  They are:

College of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) Pension Plan

The CAAT Pension Plan is a jointly-sponsored, multi-employer pension plan providing retirement security to the full-time and participating part-time, active and retired employees of Ontario’s college system.

Regular full time employees in the college system are required to participate in the CAAT Pension Plan. Part-time employees have the option of joining the plan upon commencement of employment. Part time workers can learn more about joining the CAAT Pension Plan by visiting their website at https://www.caatpension.on.ca/en/members/part-time

Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP)

The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) is a jointly-sponsored, multi-employer pension plan for Ontario’s hospital and community-based healthcare sector with 470 participating employers and more than 286,000 plan members and retirees. The HOOPP defined benefit plan is a formula based benefit that provides security and peace of mind to Ontario’s healthcare workforce.

Regular full-time employees whose employers participate in HOOPP are automatically enrolled in the pension plan. Part-time employees can also join the plan under certain circumstances.

You can learn more about joining the plan by visiting their website at http://hoopp.com/Joining-HOOPP.

Canadian Blood Services Pension Plan

The Canadian Blood Services (CBS) Defined Benefit (DB) Pension Plan is jointly sponsored by Canadian Blood Services and the Participating Unions, and administered by a Board of Trustees representing both.

Employees who are represented by the Participating Unions enroll in the DB plan when they meet the eligibility requirements. Other employees may also enroll in the DB plan, if they wish.

You can learn about joining the plan by visiting their website at https://cbs.hroffice.com

Ontario Municipality Employees Retirement System (OMERS)

OMERS is a Defined Benefit Pension Plan established in 1962 for employees of municipal governments, school boards, libraries, police and fire departments, Children’s Aid Societies and other local agencies throughout Ontario.

  • If you are a permanent, full-time employee with a participating OMERS employer, membership in OMERS is generally mandatory.
  • If you are a part-time or seasonal employee with an OMERS employer, you may be required to join OMERS; but if you are not required to join OMERS, you may choose to join under certain conditions.

You can learn more about joining the plan by visiting their website at http://www.omers.com/pension/Members_Joining_OMERS.aspx.

Pension Plan for Employees of Pathways to Independence

The Pension Plan for the Employees of Pathways to Independence is a jointly-sponsored, jointly trusteed single employer pension plan that provides retirement security to the employees of Pathways to Independence.

Full-time employees of Pathways to Independence are required to join the pension plan upon hire, part-time employees can join under certain circumstances. For more information please contact one of your union Pension Committee members:

Charmaine McLean

Rene Rendell

Cheri Hearty: chearty@opseu.org