- Article 1 – Name
- Article 2 – Interpretations and Abbreviations
- Article 3 – Aims and Purposes
- Article 4 – Jurisdiction
- Article 5 – Membership
- Article 6 – Delegate Entitlement
- Article 7 – Sector/Division
- Article 8 – Executive
- Article 9 – The Bargaining Team
- Article 10 – Authority and Finance
- Article 11 – Amendment
Article 1 – Name
1.1 This Division shall be known as the Broader Public Service Child Treatment Sector/Division.
Article 2 – Interpretations and Abbreviations
2.1 "Union" means Ontario Public Service Employees Union and not a subsidiary body.
2.2 "Sector/Division" refers to the Child Treatment Sector of the Broader Public Service (BPS).
2.3 "Executive" refers to the Sector/Division Executive Committee.
2.4 "Office" refers to an elected office of the Sector/Division.
2.5 "Chair" refers to the Chair of the Sector/Division.
2.6 "Unit/Local" refers to the OPSEU members employed by a Child Treatment Sector/Division Employer.
2.7 "Bargaining Team" refers to the team elected for the purposes of negotiating province-wide sectoral agreements.
Article 3 – Aims and Purposes
3.1 The aims and purposes of the Sector shall be:
a) to develop and promote aspects of sectoral/divisional bargaining;
b) to co-ordinate Union activities on a sectoral/divisional basis in such matters as political action, social concerns, public relations, professional issues and educational development;
c) to promote and advocate justice, equality and efficiency in services to the public;
d) to bring together members from the Child Treatment Sector/Division to discuss matters of common interest and formulate policies and positions on matters of concern to our members and promote them within the Union;
e) to advance the common interests of members of Child Treatment Sector/Division, wherever possible, by all appropriate means; and,
f) participate in and promote the objectives of the BPS and other Union groups;
g) participate with other Unions to promote and support aims, purposes and goals of the labour movement.
Article 4 – Jurisdiction
4.1 The jurisdiction of the Sector/Division shall be Locals and Units comprised of members of the Union who are employed in:
(a) Child Treatment; and
(b) related agencies under The Child and Family Services Act of the Province of Ontario.
Article 5 – Membership
5.1 Any Local or Unit as defined in Article 4.1 shall be deemed to be a member of the Sector/Division.
5.2 Every Unit/Local is entitled to:
a) participate in the Sector/Division's business; and,
b) receive a copy of the Bylaws of the Sector/Division, be advised of amendments to it and receive an updated copy whenever the Bylaws are compiled and reprinted.
Article 6 – Delegate Entitlement
6.1 Delegate entitlement funded by Head Office from Units to Child Treatment Sector/Divisional meetings shall be according to the following formula:
(a) Up to 75 members: 2 delegates
(b) 76 or more members: 3 delegates
6.2 Notwithstanding the above, the Local President or highest ranking officer of the Child Treatment Unit/Local is the automatic first delegate.
6.3 Executive members are automatic delegates and are not part of the delegate count for the Unit/Local.
6.4 By application to the Executive, special consideration for one (1) additional delegate, due to the geographical spread of the Unit, can be requested.
Article 7 – Sector/Division
7.1 The Sector/Division shall meet at least once every two (2) years, normally on the day following the BPS Conference. Other meetings of the Sector/Division may be called if deemed necessary by the Executive of the Sector.
7.2 The Order of Business at all Sector/Division meetings shall be:
(1) Call to Order
(2) Adoption of the Agenda
(3) Minutes of the previous meeting
(4) Business Arising from the Minutes
(5) Treasurer"s Report
(6) Reports
(7) New Business
(8) Adjournment
In presenting an agenda based on the above order of business, the Executive should specify subjects under items (6) and (7). The Sector may change the above Order of Business for any given meeting by giving reasonable advance notice.
7.3 The conduct of the meeting will be in accordance with Robert"s Rules of Order.
7.4 A quorum for Sector meetings shall be 50% of the delegates registered and entitled to vote. Should the Executive Board of OPSEU change the required percentage, the Article will be amended accordingly.
Article 8 – Executive
8.1 The Executive of the Sector shall be composed of the following officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and two (2) Members-at-Large.
8.2 The officers shall be elected by and from the Sector for a term of two (2) years.
8.3 Up to three (3) alternates shall be elected by and from the Sector/Division for a term of two (2) years.
8.4 Vacancies on the Executive between regularly scheduled elections will be filled as follows:
(a) if the Chair becomes vacant the Vice-Chair will become the new Chair;
(b) If there is a vacancy in any other position, the highest ranking alternate will join the executive and the new executive will determine by Internal Elections who will fill the vacant office(s) from among its members pending regularly scheduled elections.
8.5 Duties of Officers of the Sector Committee
8.5.1 Chair
The Chair of the Sector Committee or the Chair"s designee shall:
1) represent the Sector at the Sector Chairs Committee;
2) call regular meetings of the Executive, as necessary;
3) enforce compliance with the by-laws and regulations of the Sector;
4) chair the central negotiating team;
5) preside at sectoral meetings;
6) be an ex-officio member of all sectoral committees;
7) generally supervise the affairs and operations of the Sector; and
8) carry out such other duties as may be prescribed by the Sector Bylaws.
8.5.2 Vice-Chair
The Vice-Chair shall:
1) attend all meetings of the Executive and Sector;
2) in the absence of the Chair, perform all duties and functions of the Chair; and,
3) accept and exercise such other duties as may be designated by the Executive or the Chair.
8.5.3 Secretary-Treasurer
The Secretary-Treasurer shall:
1) attend all meetings of the Sector and the Executive and keep minutes;
2) be responsible for the proper administration of the operating funds of the Sector;
3) file an audit report on a form specified by Head Office when requested to do so; and,
4) carry out other duties as may be required by the Executive.
8.5.4 Members-at-Large
The Members-at-Large shall:
1) attend all meetings of the Sector and the Executive; and,
2) accept and exercise such other duties as may be designated by the Executive or the Chair.
Article 9 – The Bargaining Team
9.1 The Child Treatment Sectoral/Divisional Bargaining Team shall consist of five (5) members (1 Chair, 4 members) who are elected at a sectoral meeting.
9.2 In addition, two (2) alternates shall be elected. The alternates will be ranked and shall replace bargaining team members who have found it necessary to resign from the team.
9.3 The Chair of the Sector/Division shall be the Chair of the Bargaining Team.
9.4 The term of office for the Bargaining Team shall be determined by the Sector at the time the team is elected.
Article 10 – Authority and Finance
10.1 The authority for the formation and activities of the Sector are set out in Articles 20 and 23 of the OPSEU Constitution.
10.2 The signing officers shall be any two (2) of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary-Treasurer.
10.3 The fiscal year of the Sector shall coincide with that of the Union.
10.4 Local/Unit Membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee to be ratified at a Sector/Division meeting.
10.5 Membership of the Sector/Division who pay annual Sector/Division dues, shall be considered as paid up members of the Sector/Division. Dues become due on the 1st of January of each year.
Article 11 – Amendment
11.1 These Bylaws may be amended only by a two-thirds vote of those Sector delegates present and voting at any Sector meeting, provided that at least thirty (30) calendar days" notice of the proposed amendments is given to the Units/Locals.
11.2 All proposed amendments shall be submitted to the President of the Union for approval, pursuant to Article 20.2 of the OPSEU Constitution.
These Bylaws originally adopted at Sector Conference February 26, 1994, and amended November 07, 1999.
APPROVED: “original signed by” DATE: June 12, 2000
President, OPSEU