The "We Believe Survivors" rally is being held to coincide with the verdict in the Jian Ghomeshi sexual assault trial.
Join the OPSEU Provincial Women's Committee and the Centre for Women and Trans People at Ryerson University, to support the women who bravely testified, the countless others who could not to go to the police, and people who have lived through sexual violence in our communities. Let’s create a space to remind ourselves and others impacted by sexual violence that we believe, support, and affirm survivors.
This trial highlights the flaws in a criminal justice system that is in need of deep reform and a culture that spends more time focusing on what a survivor does after they have been assaulted than the reasons abusers commit violence. The statistics say it all: about 0.5 per cent of sex assaults result in court proceedings; only 0.2 per cent end in convictions. We want to end survivor shaming and victim blaming myths embedded in social, cultural, and legal systems. Let’s celebrate all the ways we resist and seek justice.
No matter the outcome of the trial, we support people who have lived through violence. While the verdict will be delivered earlier in the day, we want to welcome as many supporters as possible. This is a family friendly event. Everyone is welcomed.
When: Thursday, March 24, 2016
Where: Old City Hall 60 Queen Street West
Rally and march to Toronto Police Headquarters
5:30 p.m. Arrival
6:00 p.m. Rally Begins with performance and speeches
6:30 p.m. March starts – route TBD
*If you are interested in being a marshall for the march please contact the Centre for Women and Trans People [email protected]. We will be holding a marshal training on Monday, March 21 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 p.m.
*Banner making will take place at Ryerson SCC 2nd Floor Lobby, Tuesday, March 22 from 6:00pm – 8:30 p.m.