A Region 4 Weekend Educational is taking place on October 21-22, 2023, at the Lord Elgin Hotel, 100 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5K8
The courses being offered are:
1. Stewards 2: Facing the Employer and Building Member Involvement
2. Stewards 2: Facing the Employer and Building Member Involvement (being offered virtually)
3. Stewards 3: Dealing with Discipline
4. Stewards 3: Dealing with Discipline (being offered virtually)
5. Reducing the Gap: The Importance of Pay Equity in Union Work
6. Organize to Win
7. Duty to Accommodate 2: Making accommodations Work (being offered in French only)
Applications must be approved by one of your Local Officers (ie. President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or Chief Steward) and must be received in the Ottawa Regional Office no later than Friday, September 1st, 2023.
Local Presidents need to be aware that according to Board Policy, their own Local is responsible for each of its members who attend a course. When an applicant does not attend and the Regional Office has not been so advised 48 hours prior to the commencement of the Educational, the Local will be assessed a $50 penalty, to be deducted from the next Local rebate. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Members are responsible for making their own reservations directly with the hotel by Friday, September 1st, 2023. Please make your hotel reservations as soon as you submit your application to us.
All hotel bills must be paid upon checkout and you will be reimbursed on submission of your expense claim on the OPSEU/SEFPO member portal. Members who live within 60 km of the Hotel are entitled to accommodation for Saturday night only. Expenses for family and dependent care will be paid or provided in accordance with OPSEU/SEFPO’s Policy (please see the attached expense guidelines).
The Policy regarding payment of wages at the Educational remains the same since it was changed at the Annual Convention held in April 1999. Please see the attached information regarding this matter.
Please distribute the enclosed forms to interested members in your Local.
If you have any questions, please contact Janna Calamini in the Ottawa Regional Office.
1-844-765-1415 ext. 5440 or [email protected]
In solidarity,
The Region Four Education Committee
CALLOUT Reg 4 Weekend Educational(English)
CALLOUT Reg 4 Weekend Educational(French)
Childcare Registration Form(English)
Childcare Registration Form(French)
Demande de remboursement Aide aux familes et preposes aux soins
Human Rights Accommodation Request