Region 2 – Weekend Virtual Educational – February 26 and 27, 2022

People takin a class and the Education/Formation des Membres logo
Saturday, February 26, 2022
To Sunday, February 27, 2022
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Region 2 is offering a Virtual Weekend Educational as follows:

  • Saturday, February 26, 2022 – 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, February 27, 2022 – 9:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m.

The following courses are being offered:

Advanced Grievance Handling for Union Building

Does your local have a grievance committee? Can your experience in handling a grievance help to build the local? Can you use your knowledge of common grievance issues to raise awareness at demand setting meetings? Have you ever thought of what it is like to be on the Employer side of the table? These are some of the topics that will be explored in the NEW Advanced Grievance Handling for Union Building course.

You will also get the opportunity to practice being on the Union’s team and the Employer’s Team as you work through some scenarios. Building on the Basic Grievance Handling for Union Building course, this course focuses on expanding both the steward’s and Local’s ability to process grievances from start to finish.

Through active interviewing process, participants will explore how to identify grievances, practice negotiating settlements and draft realistic, enforceable grievance settlements.

***Participants should bring their Collective Agreements to the course.

Newly Updated:  Dealing with Workplace Conflict

Everyday, in our lives, we have to deal with situations of conflict.  It may be with our family, our work colleagues, our friends, our peers or our supervisors.  In this 1 ½ day course we will define and analyse conflict and look at the range of processes aimed at alleviating or eliminating sources of conflict.

There are many tools available to persons in conflict. How and when they are used depends on several factors that will be perused.  We will also look at mediation and its role in conflict resolution.

Dismantling Anti-Black Racism (DABR)

The 1.5 day Dismantling Anti-Black Racism course will raise awareness, provide a better understanding, and include strategies to dismantle anti-Black racism (ABR). It explores the topics of what anti-Black racism is and provides Black history highlights for a deeper understanding of the history of slavery and its impacts today. The course addresses the need to confront white supremacy. Participants will understand how colonization and the socially constructed concept of race has affected Black people. Additionally, the course highlights past, present and future efforts to address anti-Black racism in the workplace and in OPSEU/SEFPO.

In this introductory course, participants will develop skills and strategies in order to identify and intervene in situations of anti-Black racism. They will use case studies, videos, and real life scenarios to navigate difficult conversations. Participants will also have access to current terminology and be provided with tools to have (ABR) discussions that are important to engage in, especially with family members, fellow union members, neighbours and co-workers. This course will equip participants with the knowledge and ability to take action against anti-Black racism in our Union.

This course is a core OPSEU/SEFPO educational component that is valuable for all Union activists to attend.

Health and Safety:  Level One

This course is designed for members and stewards who want to become more involved in health and safety activities in their workplace. There is a strong focus on health and safety legislation to enable participants to use the legislation effectively in their own workplaces.

Participants work in groups to explore the legislation and to gain a better understanding of their rights and employers’ obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations. Participants are introduced to the concepts of hazard identification, assessment and control and develop a greater understanding of the components of an effective health and safety system.

Newly Updated:  Political Action for Union Activists

What do you know about the political climate in your municipality, in Ontario, in Canada? How do you get insights into the current issues in your community? What is your confidence level when speaking to someone about a possibly controversial political issue? Can you use your power of communication to raise awareness of a subject that is making an impact on your life? Do you know the players in the political arena? How do you find the right persons to speak with? These are some of the topics that will be covered in this newly updated course. You will share insights, and get the tools needed to build your union and communities. You will also develop strategies for engaging your members, campaigning and lobbying politicians.

Stewards 2: Facing the Employer, Building Member Involvement

Prerequisite: Stewards 1

This revised follow-up to Stewards 1 focuses on investigating and writing a grievance, facing management, and involving members in worksite action. Participants will use their own collective agreements to identify grievances. They will become immersed in an evolving case study in order to interview a grievor, write up a grievance, face the employer at a step 1 and make a presentation on safety issues to the union side of the Joint Health and Safety Committee. They will examine the elements of effective mobilization and develop a campaign strategy for a local. Participants should bring their collective agreements.

Registration Package:

Completed application forms must  be received no later than February 11, 2022.




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