Part-Time College Support Divisional Meeting

OPSEU SEFPO College Support Part-time, College soutien personnel a temps partiel
Friday, November 4, 2022
To Saturday, November 5, 2022
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

The Part-Time College Support Divisional Meeting has been scheduled.

Friday, November 4, 2022             9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, November 5, 2022        9:00 am – 1:00 pm

This meeting will be hybrid.

We appreciate your cooperation and participation in these meetings.

In Solidarity,

Dale Gartshore, Divisional Executive Chair
JP Hornick, OPSEU/SEFPO President

Instructions for attending in person

Friday, November 4, 2022             9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, November 5, 2022        9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel
Provincial Ballroom
123 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON
M5H 2M9       (416) 361-1000

Shared rate:     $119.50 +taxes
Single rate:        239.00 +taxes

Meeting Room:       Provincial Ballroom

Friday, November 4, 2022            8:00 am – 9:00 am

Parking:  Daily rate $52 + taxes

Please note: as per policy, valet parking is not a reimbursable claim.

Hotel Room Bookings

In accordance with the OPSEU/SEFPO policy (OPSEU/SEFPO Policy 10.1-5), any member who resides further than 60 kilometers from the event may request that OPSEU/SEFPO make their hotel reservation on their behalf by completing the Hotel Registration section when registering for the event in the OPSEU/SEFPO Member Portal.

OPSEU/SEFPO will be booking all hotel rooms centrally. Hotel rooms will be reimbursed, for Delegates, on a shared room basis and is the responsibility of the member to find another member to share with. If you prefer your own single room, you will be responsible for the difference of the shared and the single room rate.

Members are also responsible for payment of their hotel room upon check out as there are no charges billed back to OPSEU/SEFPO. Please save your itemized receipt and submit it with your Membership Expense Claim Form.

Only the hotel and rate(s) as listed in this call out, will be approved for reimbursement unless otherwise pre-approved. Third party booking sites are ineligible for reimbursement.

Should there be no available rooms at the OPSEU/SEFPO rate as stated in this call out, please contact the Conferences Unit at

Please also notify the Conferences Unit of any special accessibility needs that you may have with respect to your hotel room.

Any additional nights outside of this policy must be pre-approved by the First Vice-President/Treasurer’s office, regardless of Region or distance from the event.

Human Rights Accommodation Request Form

Should you require a human rights accommodation or have an existing accommodation under the Human Rights Code, please complete and submit the Human Rights Accommodation Request Form in full.

OPSEU/SEFPO Child Care Policy

OPSEU/SEFPO undertakes to provide child care service, when requested, at all union educationals, conventions, regional, divisional and demand-setting meetings where the membership requests at least three weeks prior to the event. Members who bring their children to OPSEU/SEFPO sponsored functions should normally be required to use the on-site child care service if it is available. The three week notice will ensure adequate time to process advances when requested. If no requests for on-site child care are received three weeks prior to the activity date, child care arrangements for on-site child care may not be made. If members then bring children to the event without the required notice, the member should be responsible for making his/her own child care arrangements.

Delegate Entitlement

Only Part-Time College Support Members are eligible to be delegates to this meeting.

The local’s delegate entitlement is calculated based on the convention formula under Article 13.4 of the OPSEU Constitution. The Local’s Delegate entitlement (attached) is based on your membership as of July 31, 2022.

Size of Local                                               Delegates
Up to 150 Members 1 delegate               1 delegate
151 to 300 Members 2 delegates            2 delegates
301 to 500 Members 3 delegates            3 delegates
501 to 800 Members 4 delegates            4 delegates
801 to 1100 Members 5 delegates          5 delegates

The quorum at any Divisional Meeting shall be 50% of all registered delegates. The members of the current Divisional Executive are automatic Delegates in their own right. They may attend over and above their Local’s entitlement.

Expenses incurred by Alternate(s)/Observer(s) are at the Local’s expense. Head Office will cover an Alternate’s expense ONLY where the Alternate attends instead of and in place of the Delegate. Please note that Alternates, like Delegates, must be elected.

Credential Attestation Form

The OPSEU/SEFPO Policy Manual (Section 16.1) states two (2) signatures are required on all delegate credentials. We have provided one form for you to list all attendees on. The Credential Attestation Form must be signed by two (2) Local Officers.

Please clearly identify your status, i.e. Delegate/Alternate/Observer.

Note: other required forms cannot be processed until this form is received.

Procedures for Online Submission of Forms

Members are to complete their Event Registration, Hotel Booking and Child Care Registration through OPSEU/SEFPO’s Member Portal.

Attached you will find the following documentation:

  1. Credential Attestation Form
  2. Advance Form
  3. OPSEU/SEFPO Human Rights Accommodation Form
  4. Member Portal Quick Intro
  5. Event Registration Tutorial
  6. Online Expense Claim Tutorial

In order to confirm your registration, please submit all forms by email to the Conferences Unit ( no later than Friday, October 21, 2022.

Instructions for attending virtually

Friday, November 4, 2022             9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, November 5, 2022        9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Friday, November 4, 2022             8:00 am – 9:00 am

Virtual Meeting:
Participation instructions will be provided to all attendees upon confirmation of attendance.

One week prior to the meeting you will receive a credential invitation through your personal email that outlines the steps for connecting to the virtual meeting and the practices established in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order and OPSEU/SEFPO Policies.

Please note: If you elect to attend virtually, no expenses outside of time off (if required) will be reimbursed unless otherwise pre-approved.

To inquire about pre-approval, please email

Delegate Entitlement

Only Part-Time College Support Members are eligible to be delegates to this meeting.

The local’s delegate entitlement is calculated based on the convention formula under Article 13.4 of the OPSEU Constitution. The Local’s Delegate entitlement (attached) is based on your membership as of July 31, 2022.

Size of Local                                             Delegates
Up to 150 Members 1 delegate             1 delegate
151 to 300 Members 2 delegates          2 delegates
301 to 500 Members 3 delegates          3 delegates
501 to 800 Members 4 delegates          4 delegates
801 to 1100 Members 5 delegates        5 delegates

The quorum at any Divisional Meeting shall be 50% of all registered delegates. The members of the current Divisional Executive are automatic Delegates in their own right. They may attend over and above their Local’s entitlement.

Expenses incurred by Alternate(s)/Observer(s) are at the Local’s expense. Head Office will cover an Alternate’s expense ONLY where the Alternate attends instead of and in place of the Delegate. Please note that Alternates, like Delegates, must be elected.

Credential Attestation Form

The OPSEU/SEFPO Policy Manual (Section 16.1) states two (2) signatures are required on all delegate credentials. We have provided one form for you to list all attendees on. The Credential Attestation Form must be signed by two (2) Local Officers.

Please clearly identify your status, i.e. Delegate/Alternate/Observer.

Note: other required forms cannot be processed until this form is received.

OPSEU/SEFPO Child Care Policy

OPSEU/SEFPO will reimburse for child care expenses as per policy. OPSEU/SEFPO’s rate of family care to be paid $15/hr to a max of $220 within a 24 hr period to cover the cost of doing union business. A receipt, signed by the care provider, showing the dates the service was provided, the address and phone number of the care provider and the names and ages of the children will need to be provided.

Please note: As a virtual attendee, child care expenses will not be reimbursed unless pre-approved.

Please contact Lucas Da Silva at for more information.

Procedures for Online Submission of Forms

Members are to complete their Event Registration through OPSEU/SEFPO’s Member Portal.

Attached you will find the following documentation:

  1. Credential Attestation Form
  2. Advance Form
  3. OPSEU/SEFPO Human Rights Accommodation Form
  4. Member Portal Quick Intro
  5. Event Registration Tutorial
  6. Online Expense Claim Tutorial

In order to confirm your registration, please submit all forms by email to the Conferences Unit ( no later than Friday, October 21st, 2022.

Delegate Entitlement Summary

Local      Employer Name                  # of Active Dues Paying                                       Delegate Entitlement (13.4)
                                                                  Signed Members (13.3)
109           FANSHAWE COLLEGE                            44                                                                                   1
124           LAMBTON COLLEGE                             121                                                                                  1
137           ST. CLAIR COLLEGE                                64                                                                                   1
238           CONESTOGA COLLEGE                          51                                                                                   1
241           MOHAWK COLLEGE                               66                                                                                   1
243           NIAGARA COLLEGE                                74                                                                                   1
245           SHERIDAN COLLEGE                            145                                                                                  1
349           GEORGIAN COLLEGE                             91                                                                                   1
351           FLEMING COLLEGE                                55                                                                                   1
353           DURHAM COLLEGE                               96                                                                                   1
416           ALGONQUIN COLLEGE                       133                                                                                   1
418           ST. LAWRENCE COLLEGE                     26                                                                                    1
421          LOYALIST COLLEGE                               29                                                                                    1
471          LA CITE COLLEGIALE                             13                                                                                    1
557          GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE                199                                                                                   2
559         CENTENNIAL COLLEGE                          90                                                                                   1
561         SENECA COLLEGE                                   92                                                                                   1
563         HUMBER COLLEGE                                 94                                                                                   1
612         SAULT COLLEGE                                      16                                                                                   1
654        NORTHERN COLLEGE                             29                                                                                   1
656        CAMBRIAN COLLEGE                              72                                                                                   1
658        CANADORE COLLEGE                             16                                                                                    1
672        COLLEGE BOREAL                                   14                                                                                    1
731        CONFEDERATION COLLEGE                  42                                                                                    1

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