The purpose of the Pre-Bargaining Conference shall be to examine in depth a number of broadly based issues that are relevant to the forthcoming round of negotiations, to review the results of the bargaining surveys and to develop themes for consideration at local demand setting meetings and generally to give guidance and a sense of direction to the delegates.
LBED – event ID 58307 – meeting held virtually
To: Sector 26 – LBED Local Presidents or Highest Ranking Officers Sector 26 – LBED Division Executive
From: Colleen MacLeod, Sector 26 – LBED Chair
Date: September 4, 2020
Subject: Sector 26 – LBED Pre-Bargaining Conference
Dear Members:
This is to advise you that the Sector 26 – LBED Pre-Bargaining Conference has been scheduled.
Date: Saturday, October 24, 2020 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Registration: Saturday, October 24, 2020 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Virtual Meeting: Participation instructions will be provided to all upon confirmation of attendance.
The purpose of the Pre-Bargaining Conference shall be to examine in depth a number of broadly based issues that are relevant to the forthcoming round of negotiations, to review the results of the bargaining surveys and to develop themes for consideration at local demand setting meetings and generally to give guidance and a sense of direction to the delegates.
In addition, the delegates will elect the negotiation team (4 to be elected), regional mobilizers (1 per region) and alternates. In accordance with the Division bylaws the Chair shall be the Chair of the negotiation committee. (Article 2.7 LBED Negotiations Procedures)
In accordance with the LBED’s Negotiating Procedures and OPSEU Policy, each local is instructed to convene a Local meeting for the purpose of electing delegates, alternates and/or observers.
All delegates are determined according to OPSEU’s Convention formula. Any alternate(s) accompanying delegates are at the Local’s expense. Head Office will cover an alternate’s expense ONLY where the alternate attends instead of and in place of the Delegate. Please note that alternates, like delegates, must be elected.
The delegates and alternates to the Pre-Bargaining Conference and the Final Demand Setting meeting, except in extenuating circumstances, shall be the same delegates/alternates for both meetings. The Final Demand Setting meeting is currently on-track to be scheduled on December 5, 2020 (more info to follow).
Your current collective agreement expires on March 31, 2021 and in accordance with your negotiation procedures we need you to do the following;
- Schedule a virtual local meeting.
- Circulate and collect your bargaining surveys prior to your local meeting – deadline extended to September 15, 2020.
- Elect your delegates and alternates to attend the pre-bargaining conference prior to September 30, 2020.
- Submit registration forms by October 5, 2020.
Due to the pandemic, the process for elections for the Pre-Bargaining and Final Demand Set Meeting will be different as we are not able to meet in-person. Instead, we will be conducting the meeting virtually, using Zoom and online voting technology. We also understand the pandemic has put time constraints on the process.
Delegate Entitlement
As per Article 2.2 of the Negotiating procedures:
Delegate entitlement for each Member Local and Unit Local of the LCBO Bargaining Unit shall be according to the Convention formula, as per Article 13.4 of the OPSEU Constitution.
The Local’s Delegate entitlement is based on your membership as of December 31, 2019:
Size of Local:
- Up to 150 Members 1 delegate
- 151 to 300 Members 2 delegates
- 301 to 500 Members 3 delegates
- 501 to 800 Members 4 delegates
- 801 to 1100 Members 5 delegates
- 1101 to 1500 Members 6 delegates
- 1501 to 1900 Members 7 delegates
The Member Local President or Member Unit Steward will be the automatic first delegate from his/her Member Local or Member Unit. All other delegates shall be elected by a clear majority of the members voting at an LCBO Unit membership meeting. In a composite Local, only members from the LCBO Bargaining Unit are entitled to be delegates.
Delegates shall be responsible for representing their Local during the entire bargaining process, including responsibility for reading, reviewing, summarizing and communicating bargaining information at the local level.
The Divisional Executive shall be automatic delegates in their own right. They may attend over and above their Local’s entitlement.
**Please Note: As this meeting is being held virtually, no expenses outside of time off (if required) will be reimbursed except in special circumstances where expenses have been pre-approved.
Bargaining Team Elections at the Pre-Bargaining Conference
Nominations for all positions, identified above, may be made ahead of the Pre-Bargaining Conference, using the attached nomination form. Nominations for all positions will also be accepted during the Pre-Bargaining Conference.
To submit a nomination form in advance, please email the Negotiations Unit at [email protected] by October 5, 2020. All members nominated must complete the attached Nomination Form to accept any position they are running for advanced Nominations will close October 13, 2020.
The form to accept nominations is due October 13, 2020. To be clear, you will need a nominator for the position you are running for on the nomination form. Members can choose to withdraw their acceptance on the day of the meeting.
Members who would like to submit a pre-recorded election speech with a 3 minute maximum duration and/or one written piece of campaign literature may do so via email to the Negotiations unit at [email protected] by October 13, 2020. All pre-recorded election speeches and/or materials will be uploaded to the digital platform and presented at the virtual conference in accordance with the agenda.
Human Rights Accommodation Request Form
Should you require a human rights accommodation or have an existing accommodation under the Human Rights Code, please complete and submit the Human Rights Accommodation Request Form in full.
OPSEU Child Care Policy
OPSEU will reimburse for child care expenses as per policy. OPSEU’s rate of family care to be paid $15/hr to a max of $220 within a 24 hour period to cover the cost of you doing union business. A receipt, signed by the care provider, showing the dates the service was provided, the address and phone number of the care provider and the names and ages of the children will need to be provided.
**Please Note: As this meeting is being held virtually, child care expenses will not be reimbursed unless pre-approved
Credential Attestation Form
The OPSEU Policy Manual (Section 16.1) states two (2) signatures are required on all delegate credentials. We have provided one form for you to list all attendees on. The Credential Attestation Form must be signed by two (2) Local Officers.
Please clearly identify your status, i.e. Delegate/Alternate/Observer/EBM.
Note: other required forms cannot be processed until this form is received.
Procedures for Online Registration
Members are to complete and submit the Member Event Registration Form through OPSEU’s Member Portal after the Credential Attestation Form has been received and processed.
In order to confirm your registration, please submit all forms no later than Monday, October 5, 2020 by email to [email protected].
Due Dates:
Pre-Bargaining Survey. September 15, 2020.
Local Meeting to hold elections to Pre-Bargaining Meeting. By September 30, 2020
Credential Attestation Form. October 5, 2020
Attendee Registration on OPSEU Portal. October 5, 2020
Nomination Forms Due. October 5, 2020.
Nomination Forms Acceptance October 13, 2020
Pre-Recorded Election Video Speeches October 13, 2020
We appreciate your cooperation and participation in these meetings.
In Solidarity,
Authorized For Distribution:
Colleen MacLeod, Sector 26 – LBED Chair
Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President
cc: Sector 26 – LBED Local Presidents or Highest Ranking Officers
Executive Board Members
All Regional Offices
BPS Negotiations Unit
Steve Saysell, Administrator, Local Services & Collective Bargaining Division
Steve Nield, Supervisor, Local Services & Collective Bargaining Division
Tracy More, Negotiator
Elsbeth Lumley, A/Administrative Assistant
Claims Department
All Conferences and Travel