The Norma Berti Breakfast
The PWC Region 2 Representative invites you to the annual Norma Berti Breakfast taking place this Sunday, March 8 in Hamilton.
The Norma Berti Breakfast, sponsored by the Sisters in Solidarity and the Hamilton Area Council, is an annual event that recognizes and celebrates the contributions of women, like Norma Berti, who was a long-time labour activist, the first woman to serve in a steelworker executive, an early supporter and advocate of equal pay for equal work, and an Officer of the Steelworkers' Organization.
There will be breakfast served by union brothers, door prizes, a 50/50 draw, guest speakers and presentations. All are welcome!
Please contact the PWC Region 2 Representative, Anne Bradstreet, for further information at [email protected].
Sunday, March 8, 2015
10:00 a.m.-12:00 (noon)
1031 Barton Street East
$7; children 10 and under are free.