This event has been cancelled.
Please see our press release: OPSEU stands down from Ford Fest protest, continues to fight Ford agenda.
Doug Ford and the PC Party are kicking off their five-month vacation from the legislature by hosting FordFest this year on June 22 at the Markham fairgrounds for his cronies and supporters. OPSEU members from far and wide will be there to greet them at the entrance with a message: There’s nothing to celebrate about Ford.
Date: June 22, 2019
Time: Arrive at 4 p.m., picket until 7 p.m.
Location: Markham Fairgrounds, 10801 McCowan Road, Markham, Ontario
Click here for directions
The people of Ontario know there isn’t anything to celebrate at FordFest. Doug Ford and his government have spent the past year attacking all of us with funding cuts to crucial services like education, autism services and legal aid, among many others. They’ve also attacked the most vulnerable working people in Ontario by taking away their sick days, cancelling minimum wage increases, and gutting labour laws.
Join us in Markham on June 22!
OPSEU members from several regions will be attending this event. We will post travel/meet up information from each region as we receive it. Please contact your Executive Board Members for more information on arrangements being made near you.