Dear Members:
Mark your calendars! It’s time to mobilize! Please join the sector executive for the 2017 bargaining conference. We will be discussing a number of in-depth Canadian Blood Services issues and developing strategies for provincial bargaining. The goal is to build on our solidarity and contract improvements from our past round of bargaining.
Each local is entitled to send two (2) delegates to the conference, whether or not it is in bargaining in 2017. Each local's elected bargaining team member is an automatic delegate. Additional delegates will be elected as needed. Locals may send additional alternates at the local's expense.
OPSEU will book your accommodations, provided you have submitted the appropriate form prior to January 16, 2017. After this date, neither the accommodation, nor the rate, are guaranteed. Please note that OPSEU will pay accommodations only for delegates travelling in from more than 60 km away. You are responsible for finding another member to share your hotel room with. Be sure to indicate whom you will be sharing with on your hotel registration form and notify the hotel of any changes/cancellations immediately. If you wish a room on your own, you or your Local (check first) will be responsible for one half of the cost. If you are having difficulty finding a roommate, speak to your Local President. Members will be responsible for payment of their hotel room when they check out. There are no charges billed back to OPSEU. Delegates will be reimbursed for the cost of a Chelsea room at the Chelsea Hotel only, as per OPSEU policy.
Date: February 8, 2017
Location: Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, 33 Gerrard St W., Toronto, ON M5G 1Z4
Room Rate: $142.00
Meeting Room: Turner Room
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Registration: 8:30 am