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The 2020 Social Mapping Project Report of Findings and Recommendations made a total of 49 recommendations about making OPSEU/SEFPO more equitable.
The following 10 recommendations will be achieved when the Equity Seats Constitutional Amendment H12 is passed.
4. Establish metrics and transparent reporting on diversity in leadership. Regularly assess the diversity and representativeness of the OPSEU/SEFPO leadership population at the local, regional and provincial levels, comparing the counts to the membership data available from the OPSEU/SEFPO census.
Suggested approach
Undertake a continuing process of monitoring the diversity of OPSEU/SEFPO leadership populations. Establish a confidential data system2 for elected leaders to voluntarily self- identify their equity characteristics and to update it after every election cycle (i.e. next provincial and regional/division elections and immediately thereafter to follow local election cycles).
5. Establish numerical goals for representation of the groups of focus in leadership positions.
Suggested approach:
Each division, region and OPSEU/SEFPO provincially should establish ‘stretch’ targets for the representation of groups of focus in local president positions and in division/region/provincial executive positions. In particular, representation targets should address: women, young workers, francophones, black, non-black racialized, Indigenous, persons with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ2S community. Targets for divisions and regions should reflect the available data on their membership from the census.
20. Introduce impact measurement tied to specific initiatives.
Suggested approach:
Adopt a policy that embeds equity impact as a consideration in each significant decision or investment.
Require that each initiative or resolution have a clear assessment of the equity impact on the groups of focus. This should be a standard component of recommended changes.
31. Solidify and extend the equity-related links between campaign topics and the diverse lived experiences and concerns of members, stakeholders and communities.
Suggested approach:
Embed in the Policy Manual a campaign development process with an explicit focus on perspectives of people with a range of identities and, particularly, intersections.
This will likely involve:
Leveraging the content from the equity-related training programs, and integrating new messaging from campaigns into materials for training, workshops and locals.
35. Address any unwelcoming aspects of the environment and culture at Convention and other events. Re-commit to creating a ‘safe space’ for OPSEU/SEFPO members.
Suggested approach:
Build on the Statement of Respect by polling members at a sample of events in 2021 and 2022 to see whether they have felt that it was a ‘safe space’. Explicitly expand the focus beyond ‘harassment and discrimination’ to include a focus on ‘unwelcoming words, actions or behaviours’ as in the Statement. Ask about micro-aggressions or micro- inequities not just personally experienced but also observed, as well as a general sense of the climate. This work should be led by a headquarters group accountable for meetings/events (not the Equity Unit) to clearly demonstrate that this is core to the union’s business.
Because issues can often be related to alcohol and inappropriate behaviours, follow up on the policy statement recently approved by the Executive to require that events with alcohol be “conducted in a reasonable and responsible manner that protects the safety of all people involved.” Poll all meeting organizers in 2021 to find out what, if anything, they have done differently to respect this commitment and what impact it had. This will build in accountability and permit sharing of best practices that are uncovered.
Expand the wording of the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy (HDPP) to explicitly address the issue of creating a poisoned environment, single-occurrence events, or behaviour that is not directed at a particular individual.6
36. OPSEU/SEFPO should commit to taking the next step in its pre-eminent position in diversity, equity and inclusion among Canadian labour organizations. It should build on its effective policies and practices to foster a first- in-class leadership population that consistently reflects diverse approaches, acts as role models and influencers, and delivers a fully inclusive experience for members.
Suggested approach:
Undertake an organization-wide initiative to develop and gradually implement an OPSEU/SEFPO Inclusive Leadership Model (working title). [Note that this will build upon and operationalize the recommendation from the first SMP regarding the development of alternative and less confrontational styles of leadership.]
The basic steps would be:
38. Improve communications and outreach to encourage members from the groups of focus to take on responsibilities that they might otherwise consider to be a ‘stretch’.
Suggested approach:
Emphasize in president and steward training and resource materials that it is their responsibility to encourage a diversity of members to be involved; emphasize the benefit to OPSEU/SEFPO and to equity and social causes. Identify outreach activists from the groups of focus and provide them with the resources listed above and additional training if needed.
44. Implement a formalized process for strategic succession management to ensure that the union’s “talent pipeline” is diverse and sufficient to meet its upcoming needs. Provide education, encouragement and support for activists in the groups of focus who have leadership aspirations.
Suggested approach:
Identify core leadership skills and behavioural competencies that will be important to OPSEU/SEFPO’s solidarity and impact in the coming five to ten years, recognizing shifting expectations of the membership and society. Conduct a scan of the current and upcoming leadership populations to identify key gaps in experiences and competencies. Create a set of development pathways and steps that individuals can undertake, as well as a cadre of mentors who can support them. Develop a training program to support mentoring partnerships. Review the uptake, the demographics and competencies of participating members, and their development progress on an annual basis.
45. Consider the equity-related implications (risks and opportunities) of a shift to three-year elected terms, including an increased number of Alternates at Regional and Provincial levels.
Suggested approach:
Immediately engage the Executive Board in a discussion of the equity-related implications of three-year elected terms. A robust discussion will build awareness of the issues and will help to ensure an effective decision with a positive implementation plan. Any resolution being put forward to change the election cycle should explicitly address equity impacts and how those will be monitored if/when the resolution is adopted and the change is made. This will signal the Board’s commitment to applying a diversity, equity and inclusion lens to all decisions within the union’s operations.
48. Introduce policies to provide for equitable opportunities for election success.
Suggested approach:
Our review lacks the specialized understanding of OPSEU/SEFPO election dynamics that would lead to specific suggestions. We recommend that OPSEU/SEFPO establish a task force of Equity Committee/Caucus representatives and others to identify and prioritize appropriate changes that would help to ‘level the playing field’ for candidates. These might include, for example:
Place upper limits on candidate spending, and audit compliance.